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1 week ago
Straight Cis Male, 81
0 miles · Sacramento


There is a list in memory. I sometimes use tags to find stories with similar elements. The usable tags i'm looking for are the ones Lush suggests for us to use. I may be unusual, strange may be a better word. So if I'm alone, 'ces la vie'. IT'S BEEN SIXTY YEARS SINCE I TOOK FRENCH SORRY.

is there a way to see the list of usable tags? It would help me find them and not have to introduce new ones and clutter the tag list up. 😀

i accidentally posted a bunch of pictures in the wrong-named album. Often, when I'm trying, I select the album I want the picture moved to. I click on it, and the album names disappear. I click on move and it's still there.

I've learned that when you click on the incoming album, if it doesn't show up on the ready-to-move page, nothing happens because you weren't successful in selecting the incoming album. This happens often—five or more times before I'm successful.

I have read most of the answers and one of the best things about a series timeline is that you can go into the timeline and move them up or down as needed. if you go into a series that you've started, there is a place If you go into any story of that series and look at the title page, you'll see the series name in a long rectangle, and to the right, there is a second rectangle with a mysterious symbol in it. Click on it, and all the members connected to the series will be listed in the order Lush has them, with arrows to move them up or down. This does not go to the moderator. you do need to check because i've seen stories with time lines all messed up

Second, when I've started a series and added names, I edit the story with a note to the moderator that all I've done is add the story to a series. It gets done very quickly for me.

i can make them fine. The two places I have problems are that when you save them, they don't immediately show in preview.

number two is that corrections ar adjustments don't show up immediately. either.

i seem to need to go between edit and the cover image area, back and forth. Occasionally, it takes ten to fifteen tries before I'm sure it's caught. Can I just do it and assume that it will come out right? So far, i have to see the correct image in the preview before i assume it works. JIM

ive had sex with married women. Let's see 45 years times 52 weeks x 3 times a week = 7, 155 TIMES plus or minus.

Or did you mean married, but not to me? if that's what we're counting, it's zero x zero x zero = zero 😇

All my acolytes have signed a proclamation that I look about twenty-five. Since I was alive while FDR was, that makes me the best-preserved eighty-year-old on Lush. BTW, FDR was president during the Depression and WWII. That was before Truman, Eisenhower, JFK Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump, and Biden. That list's for those people who have no idea who FDR was.

Names, I pick from the top thousand names from social security. I suspect other countries have similar resources. I go down and pick a name for the main characters, usually below two hundredth and above five hundredth. That gets me away from the classic top twenty names. Although my personal name has been in the top twenty for most of my lifetime.

I just cleared it. My post was just in case it had dropped off your radar. i have no idea of the complexity of running a site with this much activity. I'm not complaining. I don't have that much temerity.

I have some stories I haven't yet given up on that date, going back to July 2022. That's been a long time. Considering my first story was published in May 2022. I still look at them to see if I can decide on an ending I'm happy with.

Just an FYI, the notifications still don't work. Recently, the bell showed ten notifications. I open one, and it drops to four. I've also seen it drop with me doing nothing. The number just changes. I realize interaction like comments, etc. are still in the interaction section, but notifications about group messages aren't there.

Just a question. is there a reason?

Going through member galleries and the main Lush gallery, I get an error message about every five to twenty pictures I go through. When I go in reverse, from oldest to newest, it's several times as long. Today I could go through a couple of hundred pictures and never got an error message that dropped me out of the one-by-one mode. Just a FYI.

I am working on a story with two choices, but the choice is early in the story, so what I am doing is two different stories, word for word, the same for the first six or eight paragraphs. Then the main character makes a choice, and the stories diverge completely to the end. It's presented as the many-worlds theory of quantum theory. It is, or was, a respectable theory. I have one leg almost finished; the other seems more difficult for me. I want them published as close together as i can. So, I need them both finished.

i had a reader message me saying he was sorry I was no longer going to post stories because the narrator of a story said his wife was making him quit. i had to message him back. I can't afford to lose readers by mistake.

I have some duplicate series names showing up in my Choose Series List. There are two duplicates, and when I add stories, they are occasionally dispersed amongst the duplicates. I see no way as a user to delete them. Can someone help?

i'm just not disciplined enough to do that all the time. Sometimes I have it planned out, but even then, the characters sometimes show their personality and independence.

Well, sometimes my characters have a mind of their own. Herding cats is the aphorism that comes to mind.

It may just be my writing style, but often I find my characters exploring different territory than what I'd planned. A few times, I had to rewrite a couple of pages when I didn't like where they'd taken the story. Other times, I gave them their heads and let them take the story where they insisted it go.

Am I unique? Does everyone else keep their characters on a tight leash?

I currently have a list of thirty titles that I review frequently when I am out of ideas. Often, they inspire variations of the title, but occasionally they fit. I guess they are really parts of sentences that reflect ideas I've had and inspire others. I have some that I've started three or more times and abandoned because I couldn't make them work. Back Pack in the Sierras is a title I've tried at least four times so far. 🙄

I'm not that old here, so no lush 1.0. I was a reader during the transition, though. I guess I'll keep looking; I do have another addition to an old series, and we'll see if there is still a problem.

if Jens huh is for me

When you are doing a new story, there is a drop-down list that is supposed to have a list of your series names to choose from.

I recently added a story to my series called "Rosie." It's an old series name that I created close to a year ago. There are at least two series names missing. The list shows only seven names.

I don't know if the list is limited to seven names or if something else is wrong.

The series name "Rosie" still exists because if I enter the name ROSIE with all caps, it changes it to "Rosie," with first letter caps.

I just noticed that when I added to a series that I last used about a year ago, it was missing. When I finally tried using all uppercase letters, it entered it with caps for the front letter. I also found a secret cabal page that lists all the series names I used for the stories using that series name. I found that two series names are missing—old ones.

question 2

Somehow I have a couple series names showing up twice or five times. Is there any way to get them delegated?

For me, that is true, but sometimes I see a title I'd like to see in my list of stories too.

I've noticed that several times recently; that's what I've done. Does the carpet match the drapes? Cuckold Pleasures, It was an accident, and Stephanie's stable all started with a list of titles that I made. Some of the titles haven't gone anywhere yet but are still hanging around.

I've noticed some galleries are just one continuous list. If you want to get to the end, you have to scroll through a hundred, five hundred, a thousand, or more to see the oldest. My personal gallery is paged. Each album is paged. Would it be possible to page, all the gallery albums? What would be the preferences?

No. It's a PIA but by checking a few places, I can get in to make replies. Still, it's new.

Thanks; that is right. i have a grandson who is eighteen, autistic, homeschooled because of autism, and transgender.

it makes you think when you read about the anti trans/gay/ lesbian/ movement and you know you have one who is at risk in the real world.

I’m a grandfather with a grand child, a grand daughter, a grandson.

Her, him, them, a single person.

A simple person,quiet, yet dangerous.

She, he they need to be hidden.

She, he, they need to be removed.

She, him, they need to be eradicated.

Her, him, themmust not exist.

Her, him, them must be forgotten.

She, he, they exist still.

She, he, they live, breathe, love amongst us.

Many of the families cower in fear of their eradication.

She, he, they are dangerous. Somehow.