Live in the Midwest, happily married to a gorgeous, sexy, and insanely brilliant woman. Lucky enough to retire early and trying to work on a book, but stumbled upon Lush and thought I'd try writing something "just for fun." Wow, was writing ever fun here! Thanks for all the comments and encouragement! Been writing stories about the beginning of my career. You wouldn't believe what goes on in a law firm, as far as sexy stories to tell. I do also love to chat with anyone who "has something between his/her ears." After all, isn't that where the most sensitive sexual organ of all is located? The Avatar is a fairly recent photo in a friend's office, where there is now precious little law practiced any more, and struggling to keep it that way. Pull up a chair, ask Miss Sasha to bring you something from the humidor (She'll light it for you if you ask nicely), and she'll be happy to make you a drink, or get you an ice cold beer while we chat. Anything you need while you're here, just ask. Now, tell me a little something about yourself . . . I'm all ears, even though I'll talk your ear off if you want me to. Tell me about what you're thinking . . . I don't make judgments and love to discover new things.
Interests I'm just a simple country boy, so: Hunting, fishing, anything with an engine. Play WITH the piano, and have been known to torture a guitar nearly to death. Love my dog, and all sorts of other animals. Mostly medium rare, but those are different kinds of animals. Need to work on getting back my ability to "paint a picture" inside the reader's head with my writing, and what better place to relearn that than here? Love to hear stories, talk. Sensual or psychological, or mundane, it's all good if one is speaking with an intelligent person. But don't be mean. I'll try to not be either, but remember I've got 25 years of wearing the "lawyer hat," so please gently remind me if I forget and keep it on too long. I strive to be polite at all times, and I expect the same of others, which means if you get upset with me for whatever reason, I'd like a chance to talk it out and explain before you go insane, unfriend, and block me, telling all your friends I'm a nasty asshole. Sure, I've got my lifetime worth of prejudices to learn to work around, but at least I'm trying. Just a dumb country boy, so take it easy with me if I'm a little bit slow, OK? Oh, and if you find yourself bragging: "I've blocked well over 200 people on this site alone... " well, maybe it's time to start thinking about the "blocker" rather than all of those "blockees." Perchance, there is more to be learned and improved upon through a little self-reflection than in more angry rants and "blocking parties." Just something to think about... Maybe try adding the words "I could be wrong" to your vocabulary. Unless you are some inhuman god-creature, which it seems like a safe bet, you are not. Just because you are self-absorbed and THINK the world revolves around you, does not make it so. But you'll figure that out soon enough, I would bet. I'm not here to lecture anyone. Just live and let live. Sometimes, the "opposition" is trying to help you, and you're still too immature to realize that, so slow down. You're not nearly as "attractive" as you claim to be, "Barbie."
Favorite Books Too many come to mind to set out here. And OK, I admit it, nothing "comes to mind." Just said that to sound erudite. (Been told that means "smart") Did I fool ya? I do have to admire Lewis Carroll is one of my favorites, of course Poe, whose writing I had exhausted by about age 11, and if I had to pick one book I've read the most times, it might be "Son of the Morning Star" about G.A. Custer and his insane ride to obliteration on the American planes in a futile attempt to bring the U.S. a birthday present for her 100th Birthday. Perhaps my life and writing are therefore overshadowed by some degree of darkness I seem unable to bring into the light, so help me if you can. I'm certainly open to ideas, and make no judgments as far as any suggestions that are made. But if you open up to me, please allow me the favor of a reply. I love to engage in a dialogue, rather than an insane rant labeling me. I try very hard not to label others, and I request the same of them in not labeling me.
Favorite Authors Hemingway--He was a gigantic asshole, so some say I have that in common with him, although the man could write a damn fine piece. No, I'm not saying it's alright to be impolite, but as I've had to learn from my astoundingly intelligent wife, people have to be able to communicate if they expect to learn from each other. Any author who can communicate his/her story then, would be one of my favorites. I've met some great friends who have "authored up" some really great stories while chatting privately, so anyone can fall into this category for me. I'm all ears! And thank you to those of you who have helped me move forward. You know who you are.
Favorite Movies All the good ones. How's that for over-broad? Trying to keep these short! Been told I have a "Marked propensity for loquaciousness." Means I'm an excellent listener and make friends easily, for those of you who weren't certain.
Favorite TV Shows I did like the History Channel and Discovery Channel, but even there, it's tough to find anything good. Rather use my own imagination. Hmmmm Does anyone remember "King of the Hill?" If so, drop me a line in a PM. Love to get to know you. Yes, I'm old. Deal with it. I've had more real adventures than most of you kids have had in your putrid little brain-pans. I've actually experienced your little pretend "porn movies" of which you fantasize. Age can bring on new skills, not merely the decline of what you learned watching "funny" movies. And you should appreciate women who are not "Barbie Dolls" more than most of you guys do. A woman over 40 can be both beautiful and a teacher of unimaginable qualities, so don't think youth wins over all challengers. After all, There is nothing new under the sun, you know? Only a true novice feels he or she is the bringer of news. It's all just a matter of repackaging, and you kids fall for that every time.
Favorite Music Old school kinda guy. Classic rock, some country, and a little of everything else thrown in, just to keep myself interesting. Studied piano and violin for ages, and took up the guitar on my own, but the spirits granted me only the ability to recognize greatness, and not to achieve it. Apparently, that applies to any instrument, including my own writing. My, how the gods are cruel, are they not? Only no Rap, Please, God-All-Mighty, NO RAP!!