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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 37
United States


Oh yes!! I wish I could. I have even tried many times but to no avail lol
I personally love it! Don't knock it until you try it, but be sure to have plenty of towels as it gets messy or try it in the shower as it makes for an easy clean up.
Quote by canadian_milf
I think for the most part many of us here do not post pictures of ourselves (including myself) for all of Lush to see. I have a life outside of this site and I want to ensure that that life and my lush life stay separate. Privacy and discretion are important to many of us. I respect that, and hope that others respect that as well.

The friends I choose on lush are chosen for the connection we make though our minds, not by our appearance. Saying that, once I feel a strong connection or trust with someone here I am willing to share personal pictures with them. However, this is done on my/our terms and done when we both feel it is right. Some people on my freinds list I have not shared nor have they shared personal pictures and thats ok too.

To assume someone is not trustworthy due to this is kind of ridiculous really! A picture is just a picture.... and can be found anywhere....just try google!

Couldn't have said it better myself ;)
I love it! It really heightens the mood and experience when I'm masturbating ;)
Thats not weird at all! I have had the pleasure of experiencing this a few times and its a lot of fun! If you ever get the chance, go for it!!
Depends on my mood.. on occasion yes. Other times its just a big tshirt