Yes to number 1
and i have masturbated for a guy stranger on webcam so i have done 2 and 3.
A virgin can be bisexual as far as i am concerned. Bisexuality in my eyes is different to your definition though. Bisexual as i define it is you are sexually attracted to both sexes. and you don't have to have sex to know what sexes turn you on trust me.
1. I am introverted.
2. I am painfully shy in person if i don't know you.
3. My first proper female friends i met on lush.
4. I am pretty much petrified of the unknown
5. If you ask me something about Christianity and I am not quite sure about it I will bury my head in the Bible until i find the answers.
6. I am self conscious about my penis size even though its at least average and in all reality will do the job ;)
Overall a very low confidence bloke. No wonder I've never had a girlfriend :P
If today was your last day . . . In my pants. - Nickelback
Ajax really wanted to have a threesome with kiera and Yoda. Unfortunately he fell into burning lava ending his dream.
Yes most definitely. One beautiful young lady from on lush here actually. I am planning to go over and meet her in March God-willing. I know i'll be nervous but hopefully all goes well.
Racy its been a while. Kiss and fuck
Shotgun 'accidentally' shot up his parents shed with a shotgun when he was 11.
Best to eat your vegetables.
I have a significant phobia of looking stupid. Which makes me a pretty boring person because there a lot of ways to look stupid. Also am a little afraid of the dark.
I like your choice of tv shows. Reminds me of a couple i should have added to my list.
I have never given oral. As much as i want to. I have never had a girlfriend because of how shy i am and i did have sex once but that was a rushed thing and there wasn't any oral involved on my part. I really want to though. I am slowly gaining confidence so you never know. Maybe one day soon.