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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 31


Quote by SereneProdigy

No Porn?

I've heard/read about this 'no porn' practice at times, where men forbid themselves from watching porn and masturbating to it.

According to some, this can have a few positive consequences such as an increased motivation to seek real sexual partners, having more free time to do constructive things, having better testosterone levels and athletic performances for those who engage into sports, etc.

Have you ever tried it yourself, even for a brief period of time?

Was it hard to maintain this habit? Any interesting benefit(s) to report?

Thanks for sharing!

I have tried many times to go no porn and no masturbation. For me it wasn't for the so called benefits but because i believe that God wants me to not be lusting after women. But to be honest i haven't been anywhere near successful at it. I am ok for the first few days and maybe a week but after that i swear i actually get hornier the longer i don't watch/masturbate.
So yes i have tried it and tbh i haven't lasted longer than probably 2 1/2 weeks as i don't have the self control to last longer than that.
Heck yes it was hard to maintain.
Possibly yes i did have more time to do constructive things but other than time management i can't say i have seen anything positive about it.
Yes to number 1
and i have masturbated for a guy stranger on webcam so i have done 2 and 3.
Quote by RumpleForeskin

3. Historical fiction: There seems to be a small but steady stream of stories on Lush set in the way-'back-when' such as: ancient Rome Victorian England or the 19th century US West. A separate category might encourage more.

Yes please!!
A virgin can be bisexual as far as i am concerned. Bisexuality in my eyes is different to your definition though. Bisexual as i define it is you are sexually attracted to both sexes. and you don't have to have sex to know what sexes turn you on trust me.

1. I am introverted.
2. I am painfully shy in person if i don't know you.
3. My first proper female friends i met on lush.
4. I am pretty much petrified of the unknown
5. If you ask me something about Christianity and I am not quite sure about it I will bury my head in the Bible until i find the answers.
6. I am self conscious about my penis size even though its at least average and in all reality will do the job ;)

Overall a very low confidence bloke. No wonder I've never had a girlfriend :P
Quote by Dark_Lord
It is something i would like to go see, not sure if i would join in though.

This /\ Just once so i can have experienced one. But overall definitely not my style.
Ajax really wanted to have a threesome with kiera and Yoda. Unfortunately he fell into burning lava ending his dream.
Yes most definitely. One beautiful young lady from on lush here actually. I am planning to go over and meet her in March God-willing. I know i'll be nervous but hopefully all goes well.
Quote by Cindertoffee
If you want to chat about the Militant Church Orders, then you maybe methunk okay Daniel.
If you want to get into my ether-knickers, then you're going to be disappointed.
Check the profile...

haha yeah I knew already about that the reply was for someone above you but i was too slow smile
Shotgun 'accidentally' shot up his parents shed with a shotgun when he was 11.
I have a significant phobia of looking stupid. Which makes me a pretty boring person because there a lot of ways to look stupid. Also am a little afraid of the dark.
I like your choice of tv shows. Reminds me of a couple i should have added to my list.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I would like a collaboration category. Where both authors get credit instead of one.

I like this idea and also agree with the idea that threesome should have its own category.
Quote by Maebee
Where we going on date ?

Hmm that is the question. I was thinking maybe Chinese for dinner if you like that? You'd dump me though cause i took too long to set where we'd go ;) :P

drinks with above
Thanks all. smile spectreofhell Yeah i am gradually getting there. Still a worrier but i am finding life is a heck load more enjoyable when I don't worry so much and just chill and be content.
I have never given oral. As much as i want to. I have never had a girlfriend because of how shy i am and i did have sex once but that was a rushed thing and there wasn't any oral involved on my part. I really want to though. I am slowly gaining confidence so you never know. Maybe one day soon.