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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Cis Male
0 miles · Olympia


A couple of cubes, a drop of maple syrup, dash of orange bitters, slice of double-smoked bacon. Repeat as necessary.

My partner knows and approves. A few friends might guess, but absolutely none of them would be shocked.

One of my major "types" is vanilla-presenting-freaks, so uncovering an unexpected piece is usually a big turn-on.

Never posed, but for a little while, taking boudoir/glamour-type photos was my job.

Separately, my partner used to model for art classes and individual artists. Calls it the best job she ever had.

Quote by matureman56

This is the earliest book I recall reading. Late 70s, early 80s.

Same, except in the 90s. Either that one or Little Birds- can't remember which I happened on first. Learned... a lot.

Thrilled to be part of this amazing contest and beyond thrilled to have placed! Congratulations to CuriousAnnie and Ping, to the awesome runners-up, and to everyone who entered and made it a fantastic contest!
Well, my wife fell out of the bed during a threesome once. Rolled over to switch positions and right over the edge, arms and legs flailing and a shocked look on her face. Fortunately, nothing bruised but the ego, so we all had a laugh, had a drink, and got back to it.
"First the gesture and then the essence and then the breasts."

But seriously, face first. And then I like to see where the legs take me.
I hope everyone had a great Pride this past weekend!

There are some really great stories over in the Pride competition- you should all go check them out. And while you're there, I hope you'll take a little peek at my latest:

Lost and Found -A young couple visits their first Pride parade, and they've got some questions...

Thanks for stopping by!

I'm usually a last minute kinda guy, so I feel like I'm way early with five days left!

But please come check out Lost and Found.

Best of luck to all the contestants!

(Also, describing a pride parade in 5000 or less? Oof.)
Quote by browncoffee
This guy can WRITE. If you don't read him, you're honestly missing out on something special.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Seconded. An astonishing storyteller. Don't miss these.

Thanks, you guys!
Just released two days ago:

Please go check out Part IV in my series about a married, middle-aged man who falls for a red headed art student.

Flare - The Fire That Blinds, Part IV - Recommended Read
Despite good intentions, a married man finds a college girl too much to resist...
Hello, fellow Lushites! (Lushians?)

If you like stories with immersive atmospheres, complex characters, and visceral and nuanced sex, then may I humbly suggest you take a look at the offerings below.

Lost And Found - Editor’s Pick, Contest 2nd Place: Pride
A young couple attends their first Pride parade, and they have some questions...

Spark - The Fire That Blinds, Part I (formerly “Are We Still Talking About Art?”) - Recommended Read
A married man... An artistic redhead... Life imitates fantasy.

Smolder - The Fire That Blinds, Part II (formerly “Perfect”) - Recommended Read
A college girl can’t keep her mind on her art...

Burn - The Fire that Blinds, Part III (formerly “Spin”) - Editor’s Pick
A woman discovers something unsettling about her husband.

Flare - The Fire That Blinds, Part IV - Recommended Read
Despite good intentions, a married man finds a college girl too much to resist...

The Space Between - Editor’s Pick, Contest Winner: Sizzling Summer Sex
Two neighbors make an unexpected connection in the aftermath of a major hurricane.

Fuck You, John Junior! - Recommended Read
Sometimes a good idea is a good idea...

Should you decide to give any of these stories a read, first of all: thank you! And second of all, any and all feedback is always appreciated!

God knows...

Past experiences + drunken fantasies + ???...

Okay, mostly ???
I hereby cede my pick to the universe, in hopes that Mophie might decide to give it a real, honest-to-goodness go.

Quote by browncoffee

Still waiting, folks

I'd be careful what you ask for.
Nothing but good advice above!

In terms of narrative description, I try to match any “weighted” words with similarly weighted scenes. Like cunt, for example. I tend to use sparingly and only in moments of high intensity. If it’s got a little shock to it, use the shock to highlight the tone of the scene.

As far as dialogue, listen to your characters. What do they sound like in your head? Some of my characters have said things that I would (probably) never say! If your character would swear, they fuckin’ should swear.

Bonus : Just, whatever you do, don’t refer to someone’s genitals as “his sex.”
Quote by sprite

*cracks whip* you don't get asked, you get told, worm. *giggles*

Er- is it possible to ask to get told?
Quote by VixenAndStag
We always check out the stories on people who leave a comment; it’s a great way to see new material from authors who have similar tastes in erotica. V&S

This is how I tend to operate, as well. Like you say, it's a great way to meet new people and discover new work.

But everybody uses Lush in different ways. Most people do a drive-by to see if it piques their interest; others skip the story parts and go right for the sex before moving on to the next. And a blessed few (and I mean it, bless you all!) will take in the whole thing, offer some words of encouragement and maybe tell you what they liked specifically, probably leaving a vote as well.

Personally, I wouldn't restrict any kind of feedback.