Wife's hot, single friend asked my wife if I could install ceiling fan in her condo for her. Wife told her I would. Went to condo on Sun am and found out ceiling fan was over her bed in master bedroom. She had a clear glass dildo and matching butt plug sitting on the dresser..actually on display, right where I set my tools. She spent the whole time telling me how it sucked being single and standing under the ladder in just a way so I could see down her blouse. Her mouth and face only inches from my crotch....which I am fighting the urge to pop wood the entire time. I purposely knocked the dildo over when i was pulling my tools together...stood it up straight again, looked her in the face and she is judging my reaction. I smiled and told her it was nice how they matched...and I left. Wish I would of, could of, should of.....shit.