You old romantic you. Thanks for posting x
I wonder why lol. Thanks for posting.
Funny but I find im deeply attracted to you right now. x
Thank you. You got it completely right. Aren't we shallow lol. Thanks for posting xxx
Smiles seductively and winks. Says would you like a drink.
Thanks for posting.
Yeah, fully agree. William H Macey may be a good actor. But his version can't hold a flame. I've watched every episode ever released and yes the newer stuff isn't quite there. But as someone said to me, a bad episode of shameless is still a lot better than a good episode of most other stuff. Have you been watching the new series, its magic. And funny that, America has a fantastic porn industry, yet very strict censorship laws, don't figure. Anyway thanks for posting, take care.
God yeah, im a total panty perv. If ya want to know more. Come and chat to me