Put on a wet suit and step on in!
Yes - with a very special Lushy!
HYE - had sex in the woods
If Gina & Erica are playing with each other - then it would be rude not to enjoy the view
Watch from a discreet distance but it wouldn't been the first time I have seen sensual enjoying herself!
Love it - visited 80 plus Countries to-date and experienced some wonderful people and cultures along the way!
What is the most unusual Country you have visited?
Chris - A blank page ..... is that all you learnt at school? I am sure there are girls who can say otherwise?
Did you ever have a serious crush on a teacher or possibly more................?
Όχι, καθώς δεν παίρνω ζάχαρη - No, as I don't take sugar
Have you ever put the wrong clothes on by mistake and gone out?
Several very badly - fluent not - enough to get by - yes
With hindsight is there a subject you wishes you had listened to at school?
My mind tells me 20 but my body say differently!
If you could learn a new language what would it be?
One is a little rusty and the other has got a hole in it! (rude)
Can you guess which one?
A bucket!
Whats in your bucket?
Impossible to list because each place has it's own unique feel - there are several places I won't be going back to!
What the most stunning view you seen?
I love to cook and luckily other like me cooking
What is your go to dish?
Just the sun on my face and the heat on my back - a nice cool sea breeze and the sound of laughter
Who's the first person you want to see after lockdown?
So ready for summer!!!
Whats the first thing you are going to do when the sun comes out to play?
It wouldn't be the first time and probably not the last!
Mark it takes a brave man to climb into bed with IMPÜRETHOUGHTS - so whist I don't want to join you - I would enjoy watching that pillow fight!
I have several good friends here - who I enjoy chatting to, so it would be unfair to say I have one 'special' friend
How many people from Lush have you met in real life?
It would be terribly rude not to
Writers should be responsible for their writing within the context of 'acceptable' * cultural, sexual and personal confines but we all have the ability to make our own choices and judgments - no one here is forced to read the content. So the choice of the reader determines their acceptance - if there is content that offends - simple don't read it.
* Acceptable is a difficult paradigm to define - as it is determined by many different factors
We are still in lock down but so close to the end - a 'backyard' party would be irresponsible at this stage
How do you intend to celebrate coming out of lockdown?