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2 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · England


As my one and only co-author - wishing you a wonderful Birthday - go CuGirl! X
If Gina & Erica are playing with each other - then it would be rude not to enjoy the view
Watch from a discreet distance but it wouldn't been the first time I have seen sensual enjoying herself!
Quote by Swollen
So I’ve just read an article pondering the ever-growing trend for anal sex. The question posed in the article; are people having it for pleasure, or having it because it’s continues to be presented as a new frontier?

What’s the opinion?

I can only comment on the mutual enjoyment that is shared with a special person
Love it - visited 80 plus Countries to-date and experienced some wonderful people and cultures along the way!

What is the most unusual Country you have visited?
Chris - A blank page ..... is that all you learnt at school? I am sure there are girls who can say otherwise?

Did you ever have a serious crush on a teacher or possibly more................?
Όχι, καθώς δεν παίρνω ζάχαρη - No, as I don't take sugar

Have you ever put the wrong clothes on by mistake and gone out?
Several very badly - fluent not - enough to get by - yes

With hindsight is there a subject you wishes you had listened to at school?
And in reply to my own question - Greek would be a good start!

Quote by Melissa999

Λοιπόν, μπορώ να πω ειλικρινά ότι δεν έχω δει ποτέ καλύτερα !

Ένα όμορφο θέαμα είμαι σίγουρος - η γυναικεία φόρμα έχει πολλές απολαύσεις

And so back on thread - if you were to learn a new language what would it be?
My mind tells me 20 but my body say differently!

If you could learn a new language what would it be?
One is a little rusty and the other has got a hole in it! (rude)

Can you guess which one?
Quote by asian2013
Which bucket are you asking about? smile

What is in your to-do bucket-list?

Remember to write a bucket list - priorities!

Do you have a bucket list?
Quote by Melissa999
My Greek friend's Pussy.

Δεν περίμενα τίποτα λιγότερο - είμαι βέβαιος ότι είναι μια εκπληκτική θέα!
Impossible to list because each place has it's own unique feel - there are several places I won't be going back to!

What the most stunning view you seen?
I love to cook and luckily other like me cooking

What is your go to dish?
Just the sun on my face and the heat on my back - a nice cool sea breeze and the sound of laughter

Who's the first person you want to see after lockdown?
Quote by Swollen
My pillow signature ❤️
I know for a fact your pillows of reek of sensual desire!

As for me Jo Malone - Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne
So ready for summer!!!

Whats the first thing you are going to do when the sun comes out to play?
Mark it takes a brave man to climb into bed with IMPÜRETHOUGHTS - so whist I don't want to join you - I would enjoy watching that pillow fight!
I have several good friends here - who I enjoy chatting to, so it would be unfair to say I have one 'special' friend

How many people from Lush have you met in real life?
Writers should be responsible for their writing within the context of 'acceptable' * cultural, sexual and personal confines but we all have the ability to make our own choices and judgments - no one here is forced to read the content. So the choice of the reader determines their acceptance - if there is content that offends - simple don't read it.

* Acceptable is a difficult paradigm to define - as it is determined by many different factors
Quote by kiera
I work from home now so...

Mmmm - go figure

Also work from home.......
We are still in lock down but so close to the end - a 'backyard' party would be irresponsible at this stage

How do you intend to celebrate coming out of lockdown?