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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 29
0 miles · San Francisco


If both parties are consenting then no. I think what should matter is the maturity level of the two people, not their actual age.
Agree, it may not be the best decision but we do it anyway to "protect" the person

If someone lies to you, you can never trust them again.
No. I don't see the point. There's always a horny guy somewhere willing to have sex with you for free. Why pay?
Having them sucked feels amazing. Especially when done by a guy who knows what he is doing.
It's all in the context. With the right guy I can enjoy being called bitch, slut, etc. during sex. However if it is used in anger than no it's not okay. Some girls are okay with it, most aren't. Don't try to call her a bitch during sex without her permission, 9/10 times it will not end well for you.
Total sub. You're on a very short leash, my friend. Your partner controls everything you say and do in bed, and probably out too. Do you even have willpower of your own? (Not that being submissive is a bad thing . . . quite the contrary. Just don't be afraid to stand up for yourself once in a while.)
Where do you draw the line on a girl being curvy/"thick" or just simply being overweight?
Definitely a sucker for a sexy man in uniform. Military and firefighters are my major weakness.
I'm 5'2" and all of my boyfriends have loved that I'm short (the majority of them being over 6'). Most of the guys I've come across think it's cute.