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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 48
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Quote by 1nympholes
I can not understand why some woman want their guy to have lots of body hair, but I am sure some do.

Doesn't hair effect you ability to fulfill your assigned duty?

What is our "assigned duty?"
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I DO! Hair only belongs on the head, especially if you want your other head in MY mouth!

You like guys with shaved legs?
Why would a man shave his penis? Or do you mean pubic hair? I generally don't like it when guys shave anything but their faces (though I don't mind facial hair). I've never been with a guy with shaved pubic hair, but I don't think I'd like it. I don't like guys who are that into grooming themselves. I don't go for pretty boys.
Quote by Charlotte_


I am guessing it might not take long enough for neck strain.

I noticed you didn't answer the question Charlotte ;)

Personally, I prefer to be on my back, legs spread, him between them... one thigh under his arms, the other on top (something about the pressure holding me down). And it definitely helps if he reaches up with one hand and pinches my nipples.
I like whatever is naturally occurring with the guy. If he doesn't have a hairy chest, that's fine. If he does, no problem. What I don't like is shaved chests. Yuck. Guys should shave their faces (though I'm not against facial hair) and that's it. Unless you're a professional swimmer, don't shave your chest. That's for pretty-boys. Not men.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
It depends. In the early months those enlarging breasts are awesome if your a titty guy. But there is an unmistakable glow about her. Her curves get curvier as her hips expand. She is softer to the touch. Then in the later months she needs reenforcing she is still beautiful though she waddles and feels like a beached whale. She WILL need her back rubbed. She WILL be crabby and bitchy. Suck it up dude. Deal with it. She is going through physical changes you don't have a clue about. Love her. Then love her some more.

So true!
Most of the time it's natural, just because it's easier that way. Though, I do trim a bit in the summer during swim suit season!
There is something incredibly sexy about a pregnant woman. The curves...a natural glow in the face...a maternal joy (once the morning sickness is over)... I also found that when I was pregnant, I was a lot more sexed-up than normal. If this is common with other women, perhaps other people can sense that and it is arousing to them...
My husband shaving wearing just a towel around his waist, fresh out of the shower.
Quote by emilykiss
From my limited online experience, there's no co-relation whatsoever between having personal pictures on a profile and being a great person to hang out and have a chat with. People don't post pictures for all the reasons stated above - security (or insecurity), anonymity...the list goes on. And that's totally fine by me.

Exactly! Some people care about anonymity and others don't. Some people have lives outside of Lush that they want to keep private. I don't judge someone based on whether they have a picture of the themselves on their profile. Not to mention, there are plenty of people here who post pictures they claim are of themselves but clearly aren't. I don't understand why some people say "Don't talk to me unless you have a profile pic."

What I don't like are blank or nearly blank profiles. I don't care whether you have a picture of yourself, but at least pick an avatar that says something about you or your personality. Or select some of your favorite stories, or pictures that you like...or something. That's what makes a profile intriguing...

Erica smile
It depends. If I'm chatting with someone and feel like playing a little, that usually occurs on the couch in our living room. But often I'll retire to my bed and finish things there. Or sometimes that's where it starts and ends. Then there's the shower on occasion, if I need some privacy and to be quick about it. I'm usually fully clothed when on the couch, perhaps half dressed on the bed, and always naked in the shower ;)
Rarely... I feel like I need something on me in case the kids come in in the middle of the night or early in the morning before I get up. Also, even before kids, I always felt a little...naked. I felt uncomfortable in some way...even just adding undies solve that problem for me. So in the warm months, it's usually undies and a top and in the winter, it's flannel smile So cozy!
Quote by bedhead82
Sounds to me like something best left in the realm of fantasy...or better yet...get writing and turn that into a story!

I totally agree. I can't think of anything good that could happen by acting on this desire.
Quote by Lil-lady
Do you sleep nude or wear something? Do you dress differently if you know there will a special event happening that evening?

I typically sleep with a t-shirt and either pj bottoms or just panties. I think that is my mom instinct kicking in, don't want to bend if the house catches on fire & I have to rescue kids!

It depends on the time of year. In the summer, it's usually a tee or tank of some sort and undies. In the winter, it's usually a long-sleeve tee and pj bottoms, usually flannel, and socks. I get cold too easily and can't sleep well like that.

Unless, of course, I'm going to bed assuming everything is going to come off anyway and then I wear something a little more sexy or just hop in naked, but that's not to actually sleep in ;)

And I'm with you on the mom true!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I don't mind nudes at all, as long as they're not just a series of medical close-ups of a dick. I think the sexier option is a body shot with boxer briefs and the nice bulge of a hard cock noticeable, or where it's partially obscured by a towel or something. The suggestive shots seem sexier and a little less cave-man than "sup babe, here's my dick."

I'd say the same is true for pictures of women (which I enjoy looking at as well). Some women post pictures of close ups of their privates or just a in-your-face shot of their breasts. That is just not erotic to me. Show me a little personality in the picture...some context. And leave something to the imagination!
Quote by Dani
The thing is, we don't hate most types of pictures and can appreciate them for what they are. It's typically the method you use to show us these pictures that are off putting...Some guys are just so eager in showing us their man meat that they don't stop to consider that we may not wanna see it...just yet.

Exactly! Pictures of penises aren't a turn off inherently, but the context matters. It would be creepy if a guy walked up to me and whipped his cock out, and I feel the same way about guys who display their penis in a picture for the world to see: CREEPY!

The pictures of men that I find erotic often don't involve full nudity. The guy could be completely clothed. It's all about the attitude the picture and the guy exude. Good looks helps, but if the good looking guy looks goofy or creepy, then it doesn't do it for me. I want a guy to look sophisticated, suave, a little mischievous, perhaps. Or sometimes a stone-cold stare works. It all depends.
Quote by LuvitAll

No offence taken. I'm just mystified why women who like to fuck a lot of people get a label, but men don't.

Men used to get a label. They were called "cads" or "rakes" and other terms. Those terms have fallen out of use though. They sound like something that would have been used in the Victorian era. Of course, we've progressed since a world where women bear most of the consequences of turning cads and rakes into studs.
Well...I'd want to have sex with a woman, of course, and just see what a penis feels like and how it works and all. I probably would't be able to keep my hands off it. Perhaps shave my face, and not have to shave my armpits (yay!). But I'd also just want to walk around and see how I'm treated differently as a man. I think it'd be a fascinating social experiment.
Quote by SereneProdigy
flowers are getting more and more controversial in the dating process nowadays

Really? In what world? I've never heard any of my girlfriends say that they don't appreciate receiving flowers from a man.

In my opinion, there is no bad time for a man to give a woman flowers, within reason. That's not to say that giving a woman flowers will get you something from her, such as her affection, but I can't imagine how a woman would ever be offended by such an offering.

I'm interested in knowing what types of flowers women prefer. Me, I don't care for roses that much. I like tulips, daisies, and zinnias. I don't like ridiculously large bouquets. I think a nice, simple, small bouquet is best. Even just a small bunch of lavender is great. Guys, don't overdo it with flowers. It's the thought that counts, not the size or expense.
It's my name combined with an attitude (hopeful...changed from an adjective into a noun) I admire. I admire people who are hopeful. To me, it implies the idea that there's something far grander than random chance and our individual wills that guides life.
Quote by Reprehensiballs
My wife and I both have fantasies yet have remained (physically at least) faithful for the last 25 years. I just wondered about people's take on this.

In my opinion, the thing that makes something "cheating" is that you're going behind your partner's back against his or her wishes. So if your wife doesn't mind that you fantasize about things that don't involve her, it's not cheating.

I hope I've interpreted your question correctly, because it appears some other people are interpreting it differently. They've answered it as if you wanted to know whether fantasizing about someone other than your partner is morally wrong or whether fantasizing about someone other than your partner will/could create problems in your relationship.

Answering that "fantasizing is natural and normal and we all do it; therefore it's not cheating" doesn't really answer the question (not to mention it's illogical). There are lots of things that come naturally to us that we all do that aren't okay. Being greedy or prideful is natural, but it doesn't make it morally acceptable.
Quote by BunnyLovesCarrots
"I've never used a toy.

In the bathroom with my fingers."

Me neither. I almost always just stick with my fingers. On occasion, there's a pillow involved. My most usual place is on the couch, though I like the bed too. Of course, the shower is good as well, with the detachable shower head ;)
Quote by Charlotte_

Like your stories, for example

Of course, the stories that work for me must be well-written, plausible, and, well, stretch me just past the point of my actual experience. And I can't read repetitive, ungrammatical, poorly spelled text to save my life. Even then, it's what I call "goal-free" masturbation. Orgasms are nice, but the total body arousal is what I really like.

Thanks, cutie ;)

Yes, those criteria are key for me too (plausible plot, good grammar, etc). I have to be able to understand the characters' motivation. If I'm asking "So why are these two people having sex?" I probably won't be aroused by it. I like to be in a character's head.
Of course. Sometimes they don't get me all the way there, but a good story with characters that I understand and enjoy definitely gets me going.
Quote by bedhead82
"Meaningful? Of course! No question about this. *Some* online relationships can be more packed with meaning than a decade's worth of RL relationships.

Sustainable? Much harder to do..."

Your entire comment is so true. Thank you for saying it.
We just met Leigh, but I can't turn down another Lit alumna... fuck smile