I went into the gynecologist to get put on birth control. I was seeing someone at the time, so it was needed. During that time nurses weren't required to be in the room with the Dr. and patient. He went to do my exam and inserted the speculum inside of me...and he must have opened it up so big....I was in so much pain...he then walks over to do the breast exam and tries to talk to you about stupid stuff like you really want to carry on a conversation at that time. He then asks what is the matter and I told him how much I was hurting. He walks back down there and removes the speculum & swabs me with something. I was so naïve. I didn't realize at the time what had just happened. Now 28 yrs later, I am glad he did. So, my soon to be ex husband didn't have another notch on his belt. He used to share freely about the other women he had had, especially if they were a virgin.