Up until recently, every story I've written has been in long-hand, on a pad I carry with me at all times. There is no plotting or outline. Sometimes I have a phrase in my head that won't go away. Sometimes I envision a scene, and I have to sit down. Recently, I've forced myself to sit at the computer. Typing in over 50 badly written pages is very time consuming. Generally, I don't know where my story is going until my characters tell me.
Before? Plenty of foreplay. During? Looking in my eyes. After? Holding me.
My motto is never say never. Right now, I can't see myself writing about bodily excretement of any kind, violence, animals, and very young children. I have two stories that I will post at a later date, that were written on request. I think you can see a difference in those stories, because my heart wasn't really all there.
And just because I don't write about a certain subject, doesn't mean I won't read it. If it's well-written, and I can stomach the subject matter, I will read it. That's the wonderful thing about freedom and creativity. Write what you wish, it's my option not to read it.
So sad. He was quite a man. RIP.
Good morning Kool, ready to heat things up?
Blindfold - let her wonder where you will touch her next - and with what.
Only if you promise we can get dirty all over again.
Should I give you your present now?
Damn, I'm so jealous right now. I came home to cold Pizza Hut pizza.
Helter Skelter - The Beatles
1. I was 7 when I was bitten by a monkey when I stuck my finger through the mesh of his cage.
2. I was a girl scout, and as an adult became a girl scout leader.
3. I was 13 before I needed a bra.
4. Chrismas eve that same year I got my first period, and my mother went running through the house shouting that I was now a woman.
5. My father used to call me Oz.
You need to take your lead from her, because what one woman likes, another may not. I like him between my legs looking at me, starting slowly with his tongue, circling my clit but not touching it, and moving down toward my hole, but not entering it. It drives me wild, and I more than let him know what I want next.
Try a blindfold and some soft handcuffs or straps. If she's not into this, start slow and gentle. Her sensories should go into overload, not being able to tell where you are going to pleasure her next. If you want your play to move into more bdsm, you'll have to have that conversation with her, coming to agreements ahead of time. It's about respect and trust, at all times.
Absolutely - of your choice.
I started shaving on a dare, and I like the feeling of my bare mound in silky panties. It also feels so much cleaner once a month, if you know what I mean. As far as a man being shaven - I certainly would not want to meet up with an Afro between his legs, but if he's my guy, he can do what ever he likes.
Reaching over, "Mmm, it's nice and warm under the blankets."
Perfect - just in time for Valentine's Day.
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
I've never been to a chat room, and I don't know if I have the nerve.
I think I made a wrong turn.