Sugar Sugar by the Archies
Mayo and onion sandwich
Playing the guitar while stoned
For me, it had to be Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer. It was being passed around by my sixth grade friends. Been checking the used stores for years for it and still haven't found one. Maybe people hoard it or pass it along to their chums. ;)
Later, I found Penthouse Forum Letters. There's nothing sexier than our imagination.
Here's what Wiki says about Tropic of Cancer:
Tropic of Cancer is a novel by Henry Miller which has been described as "notorious for its candid sexuality" and as responsible for the "free speech that we now take for granted in literature".
In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the book non-obscene. It is widely regarded as an important masterpiece of 20th century literature.
"One for the road" and "Ooh la la" (Live) Ronnie Lane and Slim Chance on You Tube (rare oldies).