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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 39
United States


I'm a nobody. Wanna be a Nobody with me?

Read, Write, sleep. Maybe not in that order.

Favorite Books
Hmm.... not sure, there are so many

Favorite Authors
I have favorite authors Iris Johansen, Annette Broadrick, Stephenie Myeyer(yes I'm a Twilight nerd), J.K. Rowling(yes I'm also a Harry Potter nerd)

Favorite Movies
lol this could take awhile. My all time favorites are Boondock Saints(both of them), Jaws, Marry Reilly (or anything with John Malkovich), there are a bunch more. If you wanna know just ask.

Favorite Music
Aerosmith, 30sec to mars, Garth Brooks, Beethoven