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48 minutes ago
Bi-curious Male, 45
0 miles · Orlando


Rookie Scribe

Quote by Seeker4

What, I can't have actor Tod Cruze hook up with singer Tyler Fast?🤣

Kravitz Yeltzie wouldn't be too happy about that.

Rookie Scribe

I have an idea for a politically motivated story floating around my head and didn't want to get started until my understanding of the rules were crystal clear

To my understanding, we are not allowed to use real people? Assuming that is correct, what is the criteria for avoiding crossing the line of a story rejection? I.e, if I used similar names and attributes which would make the subjects of my story crystal clear without mentioning names directly, would that still be against the rules?

Rookie Scribe

I am curious to hear people's thoughts on the overall impact a story's cover image has on not only drawing you to read it in the first place but also its impact on the story as a whole.

For instance, if an author depicts a person on the cover who is the subject of the story, does having a visual of the person or people being written about heighten your overall enjoyment, or would you prefer it to be left to the imagination based on the subject's appearance and attributes described in the story?

Rookie Scribe

As a newbie here, I will add my two cents. I would assume that the number of likes/comments on a story has a strong correlation to the motivation of an author to extend a series. Something an author may have considered amazing at the time of writing that didn't spark any reaction from readers would likely be demotivating to continue on with.