I am always horny as there is nothing as good as getting and giving pleasure.
San Francisco, Ca. Born and raised there. Lived there until I retired in 2019. Now lining in Vancouver Wa. Near grandchildren and could afford to buy property. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 50's and 60's in "The City" getting to listen to Jimi, Janis , the Airplane . the Dead and so many more. Lived in the Haight at 19. and a Giants. 49er and Warriors fan for life. Still have friends and family in the Bay Area and visit when I can.
Robert Heinlein , one of the greatest authors of all time. I picked up "Glory Road" a Heinlein novel the summer I was 15,1966. I read that book in less than 3 days listening to Jimi Hendricks on my earphones attached to an 8 track player in my bedroom in San Francisco. I eventually read everything he published and created a reader who at 72 still spends much time doing so.
Quote by techgoddess
I know you asked James, but I'm going to stick my nose in here.
Just sit down and start writing. Get down whatever thoughts you have and then see how they piece together to build a story. Read it over and over again and edit it not just for grammar but for flow. You've got a lot to share and I think it would be wonderful to read about your experiences. Just my thoughts...![]()