Quote by Dancing_Doll
Cheers BigRoc! So glad you could join us... I think you'll like it here...
Ladies and Gents, I should let you know that BigRoc is quite a legend around these parts when it comes to Poker. Nice to have someone with his skills at the tables. Although I'll have to up my game when he is playing! He is the World Series Grand Champion... look at the nice bit of loot he got at his last game!
Quote by LadyXQuote by bigroc417
Greetings may I intrest you in a nice bottle of ocio?
you certainly may, BigRoc- was wondering when you would peek in.dEXzhTFxG7Rrs5ZK Stay awhile, get comfortable with us, it's the only way to drink wine, baby.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I love that costume DamonX... You know me too well! Dirty martinis are my favourite...
I'm so glad you finally stopped by the Lush Wine Bar. Since the rest of the crew are MIA tonight, it will be my pleasure to serve you this evening...
I know you like those dirty martinis, but I was wondering if I could tempt you to join me with some Sex on the Beach?
And... I'm excited to announce that the new Lush Bakery has been busy creating delicious desserts for our patrons, so I'm also able to offer you some banana cream pie, just the way you like it!