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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 34
United States


So wait.... what about boobs that GET bigger from being pregnant? They end up more sensitive then small boobs with the larger size... how are those judged?

For me personally.... I like my women to have at least a handful .... but its really all about the tits size, shape, and color.
Quote by Danny_B
Hmm, how I got my screen name...

Was that the one time where Judy made you wear bunny ears that tied under your chin and bought a bag of carrots?
Quote by eviotis
Hey Hollywood, come up with an original story and I might go to the movies again.
Hey politician, fuck you, you too Obama, eat me.
Hey car manufacturer, fuck you.
American Airlines, good riddance, go rot and stick your peanuts up your ass.
And TSA, you are all a waste of space, and a useless drain on oxygen.
Don't tell me about sacrifice, unless you do the same.
Local news, you're a joke, not a journalist amongst you. Congratulations on being true whores. The rest of you should say something as real journalists, if you are that.
I'm tired of working my ass off, getting nowhere, and being told what "we" need to do. Come up with an actual plan and implement it.
Hey there Mitt, I read your bullshit proposal, 20 pages of rhetoric and catch phrases, and the rest noting that Obama sucks. Guess what, I already know that sparky.
Rogaine, little blue pill, all you pharmaceutical people, kiss my ass. Thanks for preying on all our insecurities. Make a pill that cures stupid, now that would be beneficial, and the rest above would disappear. Ahhh, dare to dream.
When will people wake the fuck up!!

Well that about sums them all up doesn't it??? Ah the power of mind reading.

I'm tired of working for a mom and pop company that say its "family" oriented but really don't think of you as a family member. They only think of you as the family horse that gets them to where they wanna go.
I don't care if your a seven foot 300 pound man. If I tell you to do something at work because "your way" has been deemed Unsafe. Do it. Don't you dare tell me whatever and look at me like I'm "just a woman". I can and always will be able to do your job better then you.