a tall cool glass of wine...
Everybody Needs Somebody by Blues Brothers
It looks like you like to play in the forums. That's good,and we have a lot in common too. I used to live in southern Cali. too.
Very Intelligent and friendly ;)
She Talks to Angels ... Black Crowes
Whoo Hoo......here I come Catch me ;)
Bat has been my nickname as long as I can remember. My initials to my RL name.... That I did NOT like "Barbara Ann" T_____. Getting the song sang everywhere I went ;( ... So Bat just stuck... and I am a Bat out of hell...lol
Paramour (par·amour): an illicit lover.
Oh Hell Yeah ;) Here we go... jumping in together
Cares about how you feel.
Cares about how you feel.
Spanking your ass will help.