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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 33
0 miles · Prague


Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
Men have been wearing skirts and dresses for a long time... think of the Scots and their kilts and the Greeks and Romans with their togas... its nothing new.

What I do find kinda new is... Crossdressing in the BDSM section of the forum?
I never realized it was a feature of BDSM... just a kink of a different nature I guess...

I believe it is used occasionally as a humiliation type thing where it is the domme making the sub cross-dress, therefore I decided to put here....wasn't sure where else tbh....
Hello all

Thought I'd give this a go...I was meeting with my friends at the weekend and we got onto the subject of cross-dressing guys....

...Now I think this is acceptable if the person chooses to do it and enjoys it; however a couple of cross-dressers I know have voiced concerns that people perceive them as abnormal, homosexual etc and straight guys don't do that...I assumed straight guys do this kind of thing..

Any help on this? Do straight guys do this, and for what reasons? And are they (or you) straight, bi or gay?

Thanks in advance for your responses

Bella x
Quote by pussylover18
Who do you think is the sexiest woman on lush?
you my love heart
I wrote a batch of stories about my friends - starting with Initiation, Learning Curve, One of the Girls, Knowing One's Place, Revelations and A New Toy

Now the girls are curious as to who is the most popular out of them all - obviously some have an advantage having appeared in more than one story but they still would like me to find out who is the most popular.

So, please vote on who you like and if there is any particular reason why smile

More stories are to come, just need time to write
I love looking at him, and then closing my eyes to enjoy it all smile

It's awesome, both at the right times x
I like soft places - like the bed

but also on the recliner smile although it can suddenly move and catch you by surprise haha

Judging by the responses - I guess you see the general idea that it is totally normal

But anyway, just to add to the majority - it is normal to do that smile

And good fun too silly

It depends on my mood smile

But I like it, but its not for every girl

..sorry, not a very clear answer haha

Both have merits though

I mean, an experienced guy can show you a good time and all, but everyone has to start from 0 anyway

But the inexperienced one, you can mould to the way you want smile and make sure they do it right haha

As for me, I don't care - I have the one I want and we'll gain experience together silly
