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Listening to International 1 day cricket Australia v India
With 1 I was 59 she was 24 and the other I was 65 she was 20
Yes I have paid for it quite a few times over the years. I am 72 now and you don't get to many girls knocking
the door down for any man that old, and I have to admit that I have enjoyed every time. Last time was only a
couple of months ago.
Never been back since I left home when I got married 51 years ago
Never been back since I left home when I got married 51 years ago
When I was 59 (72 now) I had a relationship wit a 24yo lady. It was fantastic and lasted about a year. Loved younger ever since.
Has been known to happen, but try and clean up before sleeping
I remember when you had to s pin the handle to get onto the receptionist for the public phone (1951)
Yes of course. Why not it is only blood and washes off easily and lets face it if you do not like it you are only cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Also stopping partner from enjoying sex when she might really love to have it.
Yes of course. Why not it is only blood and washes off easily and lets face it if you do not like it you are only cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Also stopping partner from enjoying sex when she might really love to have it.
Australia. Born in New South Wales, moved to Queensland in 66, still there
Yes I would 'do you' as often as you wanted me to
No I am quite happy with my 8" and I handle it daily
I would think that if you are not attracted to ad try any of the girls in the workplace there must be something wrong with either them or you.
That said it is what you do about the attraction that matters, as has been said sexual harassment is a nasty thing so I would think before
I said anything, and, if possible see if the attraction is returned.
When my last relationship ended I at first trashed my ex and it took time for me to get over it.
But I finally did and now talk to her. I told her that i felt no hate or bitterness towards her and even as i write this i have to agree that is the truth.
So all I can say is live and let live
Long legs and nice tits with a great smile
What other fun can you enjoy anywhere on this planet. You dont even need to supply another thing, it's all built in and the enjoyment is out of this world
Have had them and enjoy each and every one..
Dont count them
At my age i dont really care about how old the woman is as long as she is happy to have a relationship with me
No Jenny money doesn"ts buy you happiness but it buys the things that make life bearable
I suppose the one I like is "treat people the way you want to be treated" but I like "If someone treats you wrong kick them in the balls"