I don't care either way. I once dated a guy who was 31 years older than me and it was great. My current partner is 2 years older than me and it's also great (smallest age gap I've ever had. My average is 10 yrs.).
However, I can't see myself being with a guy who's younger than me. I've never even been attracted to one (that I know of).
Keira Knightley
Alex Kapranos
James McAvoy
Jeremy Irons
Some of my favourites:
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, by Julian Barnes (I love most of his work. Before She Met Me gave me the shivers.)
Generations of Winter, by Vassyli Askyonov
Julio Cortázar's short stories.
Confessions of a Mask, by Yukio Mishima
I have just finished Javier Cercas's Soldiers of Salamis: A Novel, and it was quite good.
Beer: Stella Artois, ice-cold
Liquor: Rum. Havana comes to mind.
Wine: Definitely a Merlot. Montes Alpha, if at all possible.
Russia. I've been studying the language for 2 years and will do my best to visit next year.