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Over 90 days ago
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0 miles · London


Wouldn't the answer depend on entirely on whether your sex with her was currently off the scale unbelievable or diminishing in both frequency and satisfaction levels??!!
Perhaps because older chicks are more likely to take charge, get their dicks out and give them a mindblowing blowjob?? AND accept that with young guys, jerking them off up front is a prelude to an enjoyable evening, rather than a reason to tut, tut in disgust and leave them feeling useless, weird and nerdy????
To be honest, MandyCandy, it probably depends how much experience they have and where they are in their own sexual journey.

There is a stage for quite a few men when they need to fuck brazenly, often and with women wanting the same. Clearly, that's not right for the vast majority of virgins.

Some men are natural teachers and may be attracted to virgins for precisely that reason.

A few simply want to marry one, perhaps because they are scared of how they would stack up against the other men who have slept with those who are not.

Even then, there are shy virgins and those who can't wait to lose their virginity. Hardly likely to attract the same audiences, are they?!
My lifetime audit of redheads?

Some of them are really horny.

A few of them are c**ts.

The odd one was a bit of both.
Intelligence is difficult if you are constantly finding fault with a man. Men are most turned on if they are seen to be doing their job well, which in the case of sex is blowing their woman's brains out with lust. Quite frankly, if they do that well, they'd rather have a blonde bimbo who appreciates them and blows their rocks off too than a 180 IQ woman who wants to analyse whether their in-out-in-out was 60 or 75 beats to the minute. We're not pornstars, you know!

On the other hand, the longer a relationship lasts, the more important emotional and intellectual compatibility becomes. If you are besotted with Shakespeare and their idea of culture is rock music and sports, you may have a bit of a challenge. If you make it work for you by realising that they are brilliant at all the practical jobs in the house (see, they're more intelligent than you in that sphere of life), have good business savvy even if their business is construction rather than being a University Professor, then it may work. It's more challenging for both of you though.....

What won't work is you needing to impose your intellect on them to make them feel small. You might be intellectual, but you'd be emotionally immature, which is a far more heinous crime. Men need to be switched on first in their dick, then in their heart and then in their brain. Never forget that.......

The ultimate turn on for an intelligent man is a woman he can talk to in the restaurant as an equal but who fucks the living daylights out of him in the bedroom. It's not always a co-segregating pair of characteristics, you know........
If you had one, your body thought it was a good thing.

Screw what everyone else's body said.

I don't think it's that unheard of, mind you. Horniest dream I ever had was just around my 33rd birthday........
There are some guys who don't get turned on just looking at a young girls body. They get turned on by a woman who knows how to press their buttons.

Often, but not always, the women most able to do that have more experience and, therefore, are more likely to be older.

Men also find women who aren't still neurotic about their bodies more attractive: women in their mid 30s often know what they want and are happy with themselves, which is a huge aphrodisiac for some men.
Varies from woman to woman I guess.

It's included:

Back of the neck; hair; arms; belly.

All the traditional erogenous zones too of course.........
With guys, the more experience the get, the more they can cope with foreplay, ergo the more they can pleasure their women too.

My theory is that every horny inexperienced teenager should have a session with a mature 25-35 year old horny woman who may very well revel in their youthful exuberance rather more than inexperienced teenage girls will. After a few sessions with experts, they'll be ready to show more patience with the inexperienced young girls.
PersonalAssistants's zodiac signs and sex characteristics:

Based on my non-statistical life experience, I'd say:

1. Leo description is SPOT ON. Particularly the bit about 'your pleasure being their secondary concern'.
2. Libra description is SPOT ON. The best woman I've ever known is a Libra and she is a courtesan without compare.
3. Aquarius: certainly met Aquarian women for whom that is true.
4. Taurus: SPOT ON.
5. Cancer: SPOT ON.

Can't speak for the rest, but there's certainly something to it. These women came from many, many different countries, so it's not a sample of English women I'm talking about.

I know Scorpio men are sex mad, even if it's channeling that energy into sport. Can't speak for women.......
My comedian's theory is that women prefer men they can kiss a lot on the face and lips, whereas men are quite happy with a midget giving them head!

Seriously, though, the most obvious issue is that if there is any correlation between baby size and father size, then if you were a small girl and you married a giant, you might have been signing your own death warrant before Caesarian sections came along a few decades ago.

My cousin is short and married a tall beanpole, had three children all over 8lbs and needed 3 C-sections. As you're not allowed more than three, that meant no more kids (as it happened, she didn't want more).
The sun is shining.

The first girl I asked to be friends with me on this site said yes and we exchanged 3 flirty emails yesterday.

Despite a poor summer, the tomato crop is yielding well.

I have no need to emulate my family any more, nor consider them wiser than me without justifiable proof. I can just be me.

I have completed a 9 year cycle in life concerning creative writing and am really happy with the output I produced. Really happy.
No reason why not.

All you are doing is changing the order in which you share things.......
No reason why not.

All you are doing is changing the order in which you share things.......
The most obvious reason for this depression is the transition from college to the life of work.

1. Is she unhappy in work?
2. Is her career not what she thought it would be like?
3. Does she feel unable to admit that for reasons of pride?
4. Are there deeper issues to do with childhood which means she is not emotionally comfortable being an independent adult?
5. Is the new situation you find yourselves in teaching you more about your relationship (trust me I've seen some where 'perfect couples' move overseas and rapidly split).
6. Are there things she needs from you which you don't realise?
7. If there are feelings of unworthiness, what is causing them?

What is absolutely key is recognising whether she is able to talk to you about these issues or not. If she can't, then you may need to speak to her parents about this. Not judgementally, but because you care. But before you do that, you need to tell her you're thinking of that: if there's a strong negative reaction, there may be challenges ahead.

If this makes you feel scared and unprepared: you will need help handling this too.

I don't know what the answer is, but depression is usually associated with loss. Loss of a dream, an idealised fantasy world which doesn't exist, loss of self-belief, self-worth. It's the emotion of not yet accepting that something is that way, cannot be that way, will never be that way.

It's important that these things are sorted, because a depression lasting a few months is curable. One which lasts 5 years often isn't.

I hope you can help your girlfriend but don't be afraid to accept all the help you can get: if you really care for her, the more help and support of the right kind she can get, the better.
Yes, got the t-shirt there.

Wrote the conclusion of first novel to stop topping myself, sold up and moved 200 miles away, got on with life without them.
In theory there's someone for everyone, but the imperfections of life means that not everyone gets to meet that someone.
You look like a horny girl who likes to tease the guys!
Just do it!

I've not consented but few men feel the need to consent to being given a blow job, if truth be told........
Just do it!

I've not consented but few men feel the need to consent to being given a blow job, if truth be told........
Absolutely not the case: sure, many men prefer a sizable cleavage to none, but for every size of breasts, rest assured that there are men out there who love them.

To me, without ever having got a tape measure out, you can sense whether the size of a woman's boobs fit the rest of her body. In general, women with bigger boobs have bigger hips, which may not be what all men want either.

I personally love women with medium sized boobs. I actually find women with really, really large boobs a bit gross but that's just me. They'd probably find my body pretty unappetising too.
Men's biological heritage is spreading their seed as far and wide as they can: it maximises the chances of their continued lineage.

Women's biological heritage is to choose carefully which man should sire her children and then to stop him screwing around once they have had them.

I'm not condoning men cheating, just saying that all man's ancestors fought for the right to screw the female: just look at male stags in the rutting season for chrissakes!

In a more pragmatic way, my observations in life say that men who marry too early (which is before they have got the mindless screwing bit out of their minds) tends to predicate more screwing around after marriage. Those who got laid a lot and gloriously before settling down are less likely to need to stray.
Depends whether it was two girls or two guys I guess!
If I bothered to answer (I doubt I would) I'd say: 'this email explains why we are no longer together. Goodbye, good luck and die happy!'
Most obvious thing is; he needs a short break from you. Not breaking up, but to remember what he's missing.

If that doesn't work, try flirting with other guys when you're out with him. See if it arouses his jealousy and his dick at the same time.

If that doesn't work, ask him what's wrong, tell him that this has to get sorted or it's over. Emphasise you don't want it to be over but it will be over if this doesn't get sorted.

If that doesn't work, move out.
Quiet girls who silently shake when filled with lust are fine by me!
Unfortunately, boys growing up can use dick size as part of the social hierarchy at school. Those who grow late or who have small flaccid penises (however big they may get erect) are usually the ones who have miserable teenage years.

If your husband is obsessed, he's either got hang-ups from before he met you or he thinks, deep down, that you want men with bigger dicks.

If the latter isn't true, he needs to see you really enjoying sex with him. Telling him his dick is big enough isn't the answer if you have unfulfilled needs. Telling him what you need, or maybe showing him without telling him first, is a better solution.
If that's the female equivalent to male sperm juice, what do you have to be ashamed of???
Men like to be surprised, learn new things about a woman. Wearing the same panties all the time: too much of a good thing.

Keep your man surprised. Go to a prim and proper restaurant with no panties on. Wear demure underwear to a disco. Wear loud red ones if your man's getting boring and you're getting frustrated and hot. Wear yellow or pale blue if you'd like hours of lingering foreplay.

Match your underwear to your moods and your man will love it. The more moods you have, the more you understand your moods, the more you understand your man's moods, the more fun you'll have.