Hi I am Annabelle. I am originally from UK but have recently moved to France with my family ,new start and all that etc. City girl dumped in the country ,feeling a little lost and lonely right now. Although I am young I have experience but know that I have much more to learn. Why am I here? I learn best by reading about other peoples life ,so hoping someone out there will tell me their do's, don'ts and have you's ? I am better with pm's rather than online chats . That's all for now folks xx
Interests Life and all its ups and downs [there's been a few]
Favorite Music Heavily influenced by dad and grandad's music. Like everything except rap . I prefer female artists Favourite all time female singer Judie Tzuke [heavenly voice ,deep lyrics] Favourite all time male singer Leonard Cohen. Dad and Gdad play guitar , I can do bass but in my heart I'm a drummer [maybe one day]