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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 35
United Kingdom


May 21st 2012......was the last time i had full on sex with a partner, since then its only been fooling around with a couple sad
Having a list isnt such a good idea it means your going into things with a narrow mind. Just talk to people, any people, all people..............your talking to all these people on here arnt you?? its no different out there
Quote by LadySharon
I would have to get to know the person first online and on the phone/ before I actually met up with him or her. For casual sex/dating, I would be wary and ask before I dove in head first.

Totally my thoughts exactly, its much safer that way and more intimate.
Quote by dex69
Sure. But it would help if you elaborated more about the situation. Are you married? Is she married? Are you single? Does she have a boyfriend? Is she in a commited relationship? Is she in a position of authority? Are you in a position of authority?

I disagree i find elaboration to be pointless here. I do however agree It is perfectly natural to be attracted to girls you work with its a proximity thing, simple as!
cybersex- I've only ever......lets say fallen into it....... what started off as a casual chat turns into what would you do if i did this? sort of thing.......ive done it a few times and found it very enjoyable and inspirational for stories. HOWEVER i do believe that actually talking to and getting to know the person (a little) first is a big help, my better experiences have all been with people ive spoke to about it first, while the worst was just random and became stupid if not creepy.
Roleplay - never tried it but am willing i guess