school bathroom durring lunch
his ass better get it all too!!
ive done that in the same hour, with all 3 people present
belle knox, i respect her decision to do porn
belle knox, i respect her decision to do porn
i started shaving it clean when i was a teen
So im going to a strip club for the first time in a few weeks and im just wondering what i should act like. im more interested on like tipping and how much, where to put it and such. also how do strippers act around girls.
kiss, lick and let her fuck me
i loved to see sasha grays movies while she still did porn
i usually do but ive gone by pic a few times
my mom once found a red 2 headed dildo in my bed, she freaked out, mostly because she had always made my bed for me while i was in school and she figured shed had touched my sheets so many times she must have stuck her hnds allover my dried juices
well thanks for responding though, im sure someone will be intrigued
So ive always wanted to express some of my true life happening in story-form, but im a horrible writer. im just wondering if people do write and publish other peoples experiances. they would be lesbian stories but i just cant write the filler to make people feel like they are a part of the story. if you interested just message me
i love to make my gf squirt, and i agree it tastes great
I think i would, if they are willing to pay thousands for it then they must plan to have lots of fun. Plus id have many occasions to be with someone i chose so why not
well i have a few...
1. sex on a beach
2. public sex
3. a pussy eating circle with at least 4 girls (me and my gf are working on this one)
i would love for her to dominate me
watching it snow while by the warmth of a fireplace