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Over 90 days ago
United States



Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate, Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.

Pretty much true... especially about being a great kisser!!! xxxx
There is a beach on Hwy 1 between Carmel and Big Sur I have been to many times. It is a breathtaking beach as well as the people who visit there are very open and friendly.
There is someone here I would absolutely love to meet in person. Whether or not we had sex would need to be decided once we met. For me personally.. I would love to be intimate with him, we have a strong connection and I think it would happen very naturally.
I enjoyed it.. some of it was hysterical.. some of it not so much! There are some really funny lines that are still used today and they definitely make me chuckle.
Not so much. When we met I was a virgin but he had experienced lots of sexual encounters. Hearing the details of his sex life has never been a turn on for me.
Hands down my favorite item of clothing is my lavender nighty with black lace. Feels amazing on, looks amazing on!
I wish I had learned years ago that sex comes in all different colors. Words, scents, actions, locations, emotions, the list goes on and on. Sex is not black and white.
Sun is out, sky is clear, it's 43 degrees, which cracks me up since last week we were in the 80's! Last day of summer and boom, winter was here. Fall never had a chance.