It is humorous, but does contain all of the perversions under the sun, so if you are easily shocked or like your sex stories to be about two people in love, you'll want to pass on this. In fact, it might be the raunchiest, sickest thing you've ever read while laughing your ass off.
As a note, Agathina Vestia is a penname, of course. I'm actually a best selling author with 9 novels under my belt and I have a degree in Creative Writing. Just want to throw that out there... although porn, the stories are clever and well-written, so you won't be disappointed with grammar and things like that (I hate that when reading porn).
Search Smashwords for the book... this site won't let me post a link to it
and Aggie's blog, where I post stories with themes not acceptable here :-) (if the link doesn't show, Google agathinavestia on