I am a person with truthful and honest feelings, thinkings and actions.
I am 24 year old, ethnicity is Asian.
5'11" height with an average build. I am sporty.
I am straight in sex.
Love to chat with and make friendship to new people. I am one who is always up for seeking knowledge from wherever it comes.
The things I don't like at all is Falsehood, backbiting.
Stories that I love to read and write is one in which a women proceeds to a man for sexual intercourse to satisfy their inner beings, love, emotions may b violent but with grace and softness. Such a delicacy that one finds in between the story.
InterestsScience and technology, sex, games, politics.
Favorite BooksBooks give me headache, lol.
sorry to say no books
Favorite MoviesInception, pulp fiction, dark knight trilogy by christopher nolan, LOTR TRILOGY, MATRIX TRILOGY, CONSTANTINE, POTC 1-till all released and going to be released, shutter island, fight club, october sky, The Ghost and the Darkness, blood diamond, Defiance, hannibal n movies which are of thriller, suspense, action, drama, comedy genre
Favorite TV ShowsBand of Brothers, Friends, Two and a half men, Man vs Wild, I just love food so all foody channel lol

, future weapons, brain games, mythbusters, Tom n Jerry
Favorite MusicLinkin park, avril lavign's - I am with you, complicated etc., backstreet boys, A.R.Rehman, Naushad, Rafi.