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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 36
United Kingdom


Ok well I am needed will come back to this. Back ok I am Bisexual and has been a sort of long road for me to really accept it without pain or shame so I have primary relationships with boys and secondary ones with girls. So current I have a steady boy and a steady girl and they do know about each other, and have met so trying to connect both sides of my life has been a real journey for me fighting society that it has to be 1 or other.

I have had it from both sides you can't have feelings for me if you go with her/him but I am at peace with it now.

Sports Lacrosse in particular but I can watch most sports. I like outdoors and enjoy walking and hill climbing nohing hard core a nice walk and a country bar and lunch and a slow walk home is a great day for me.

Favorite Books
Kim - Rudyard Kipling

Favorite Movies
Any thing by Pixar, lets see Leon in original French

Favorite TV Shows
Game of Thrones.

Favorite Music
Saw Doctors
Mumford and Son
Nanci Griffith
Chemical Brothers
