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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 33
0 miles · Vancouver


If you're talking about the actual physical sensations that go along with giving a blowjob... no, I don't like it all that much. I don't really get anything out of it, but I'm turned on all to hell when he's turned on, so it sort of works out for both of us when I give them.

Yeah, I know it was an 'Ask the Gals' question, but I give blowjobs too sometimes!
I recently saw one of my favourite sci-fi actresses, Tatiana Maslany, portray a pre-op transgendered man. I know that Tatiana isn't actually a trans man, but what the hell else can I say? This boy was hawwwwt.

The pool of men and women that I'm willing to put myself out there and date has always been kinda small, but there's no real reason for me to be against the idea of dating someone who is transgendered. Just be aware that if you have a vagina... you might need to give me some directions on what to do with it. I make no promises in that department.
Anal is just like any other kind of non-vanilla sex. It's got some heavy fetish appeal... it's an act requiring a certain amount of intimacy and trust to do it properly... it's something that you can never do for yourself, which makes it pretty special to have now and then.

Anal also has the unhappy position of being that one non-vanilla thing that's almost commonly considered to be normal. If you really stop to think about it, it's kinda fucking bizzare. Yet, you can ask for it as often as you want without feeling like a creep or a weirdo. Can you imagine how it would be if fisting was the thing? Or electro-play?
My answer is yes... most of the time.

I'm also Canadian, so naked-at-home is not always the most comfortable option. I like being warm a lot better.
The question of 'who cums first' really depends on who's taken the lead, doesn't it?

If I'm in charge, it's a policy of mine to try to ensure that her orgasm comes first. If she's in charge... well, it's still her pleasure, even if it's not necessarily her orgasm.
Quote by dpw
I understand what you mean. When you come out as gay you feel that there's no going back! It's a BIG thing mentally to come out as being gay and it's so easy to stay that way.
I think a lot of gay guys are like you. Bisexual, but nearer the gay side. My friend is the same but has always kept his bi side open.

Self-identification isn't really my issue. I'm pretty comfortable with my feelings, but having to come out twice is pretty much the worst.

Also, I love how you said "the gay side" like it was synonymous with "the dark side". Does the gay side have snacks? I could go gay if you have snacks.
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with porn. It's pretty good when you find the right clip, but there is a lot out there that just doesn't make the cut. My favorite clips are so overused that they don't really do it for me any more.

Imagination is just a lot more variable. You can tune in to exactly what might turn you on and just go with it from there. So... I went with erotica, because that's the forum that I usually use to play out my imagination. I've learned to type one-handed by now.
I've been having some problems like this very recently. I've been crushing on a girl who only knows me as a gay man. I've got all of those usual anxieties about crushing on someone who might not feel the same way... Long story short, she's been a friend for a very long time and I don't want to lose that for the sake of a relationship that probably won't work... blah blah blah, my problem.

I still have to out myself as a bisexual man to her. It's never been very important to me that people know, but I really hate being misunderstood. When I outed myself as a gay man, it was because I really thought that that's what I was. Now... I have to do it again. Shit.

I know how to take it slow when it comes to my own feelings, but I find it difficult to act on them because I hate being misunderstood so much. I don't know where that puts me in relation to your article... but I've often felt perfectly comfortable liking who I like.
I suppose it would have to do with a guy's preference. For some, the visual thing is a big turn on. For me, the preference is to do it with a partner, rather than on a partner.

Porn is like a surrealist show. There's not a lot of real pleasure in those money shots.
Right on the hotel room floor, because that's what freedom feels like!
Yes, because a blowjob is something that is very difficult to do accidentally.
They're coming out with a lot of these, so I might not get them all.

Ready? *inhales*

Sharknado 2: The Second One
Sharktopus vs Pteracuda
Sand Sharks
Dino Shark
Two Headed Shark Attack
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Mega Shark vs Giant Squid
Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus

I swear to god I only made one of those up
If it wasn't already obvious by my profile pictures, I'm a fan of The Last Man.

I would add in the V for Vendetta graphic novel, but I don't think that gives me any points. Everyone likes Alan Moore.
I have too many to list!

Though I do have a few that I save because I don't want to wear them out too quickly.

Jackie Brown - My favourite Quentin Tarantino movie. Judge me all you want.
One Week - An indie film involving Joshua Jackson on a motorcycle.
A Dream of Armageddon - Okay... not really a film. It's an audiobook version of the HG Wells story. Still good, though.
V for Vendetta - I don't give a shit about V, but I can't get enough of Evey. "God is in the Rain"
My name is also uncommon, but I have encountered a minor character in a fantasy novel who shared my first name.

She was a fat, matronly old sorceress. She was something of a legend, known for her strictness and for her punishments (It's always a paddlin').
...looks like I'm going to have to be predictable.

Firefly all the way.
Nope. I'm a false pussy eater. A phantom of the cunning linguistics. Was I ever really there? No one can say.

EXCELSIOR! (You didn't hear that)
It really depends on the person doing the deed.

First question: Has he done it before?
My problem is that I do get horny when writing a story.

It's like porn. It's not very interesting once you finish.
I sort of thought that a guy offering to give me a blowjob implied a level of familiarity. If he was a stranger? No.

If it was this lady making the offer, really emphatic no.

Quote by wolverinejr25
I know porn doesn't always equal real life lol.......but it still was a question that needed to be answered!

No it wasn't.
Are you male or female? - Male
How old are you? - Twenty Two
How many times a week do you masturbate? - Daily, unless I'm having a bad day.
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? - Once.

Where do you masturbate?
In bed? - Yes
In the shower? - Yes
In the bath? - Yes
Outdoors? - Yes
At work? - Only on a bad day.
Every room in the house? - I don't keep track, but probably not.
In a car while traveling... ? - Oh, probably! (If I had a car, that is)

What do you fantasize about when you play?
A significant other? - Yeah.
A friend? - Oh, hell yes.
A friend's spouse? - Nope.
A stranger? - Nope.
A student? - I was hard for them when they were still students, so technically yes.
A member of the same sex? - Oh my, yes.
A past lover? - I know I shouldn't.... but yes.

What position do you play in?
On your back? - Mainly, yes.
Standing? - Not often.
Kneeling? - Numb knees. Hell no.
Sitting? - When I'm not lying down, chances are I'm sitting in a chair.
Lying on tummy? - Wait, how do I reach?

How do you play?
With your left hand? Or the right? - Both hands.
With a toy? - Not often, but yes.
With water from bath? - No.
Written erotica? - ...Lush Member
Pictures? - Yes.
Movie clips online? - Yes.
Videos? - Yes.
Something on TV? -

What is your favorite porn?
Straight sex between man and woman? - It's been a while since I've seen really good straight porn, but I'll say yes to this.
Gay or lesbian sex? - Most of the time, yes.
Group sex or orgies? - Not often more than a threesome.
Blow jobs/oral sex? - That's usually a part of it.
Cumshots? - Those too.
Anal? - Gay men. It sort of goes with the territory.
Interracial? - No.
Age play? - No.
S&M? - Not to imply I'm uninterested, but no.
Role playing? - No.
Kinky? - Wait, and none of that stuff was?

Have you ever masturbated to...?
Email messages? - No.
A chat room dialogue? - Once before, yes.
Exchanged stories or pictures? - Er... Important life lesson: Keep your sex life far away from technology.

Have you ever...?
Been caught masturbating? - Once.
Masturbated for a man/woman? - No.
Masturbated for the same sex? - While sex was happening, yes.
Masturbated in a group? - No.
Masturbated for a photo? - No.
Masturbated for a webcam? - No.
Masturbated for a video? - No. See my above stance on sex and technology.

Do you ever...?
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? - Yes.
Insert something or play with your ass? - ...Yes.
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? - No.
Use pain as a method of playing? - Not intense pain, but yes.

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? - Do I? No. Have I? Yes.
When was the last time you masturbated? - Just last night.
Are you wet or hard now? - At the end of this exhaustive interview? No.
Are you going to masturbate now? - Not right now, but in a bit.
Are you a masturbation addict? - No.
What is the most you have played in one day? - I may have once stretched to three. Not that I tried, though.
The problem with a question like this is that there's probably something that I'm not going to mention, if only because I haven't actually thought of it yet.

Just to cover some bases...

Scat - no
Watersports - no
Draws Blood? - no
Unprotected? - Are we Fluid-Bonded?
Sub/Dom Roleplay - It would have to be my idea to try it.
Revenge Sex - No, and I will tell the person you're trying to get revenge on. You will look petty and we will laugh at you.
I was going to say no, but then I remembered the prostitutes.

I turned them down, sure.
I've measured it at seven inches.

For some reason that always surprises my partners...