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1 hour ago
Straight Male, 65
0 miles · Florida


Oh Yes. The price would have devastated my life in several areas. You?

Have You Ever been embarrassed to be naked in front of other(s)? [If so, gives a few details and reason for embarrassment]

Yes, a variety of weapons.

Have You Ever caught a ride with a total stranger by hitchhiking (a few details about the situation and how it turned out)?

Yes, both - while driving and talking on my phone -- receiving BJs. The person on the other end of the phone was a real talker (made it easier to respond - "yes", "hmm?", "wow", "OMG", "tell me again", "hold on, it's my other line") 😆

Have You Ever gotten off or brought someone off while amongst other people (i.e., a crowd, an orgy, a concert)? Is so, a few details would be awesome 😉

As a few have stated above, the first was the Penthouse Letters. Erotica and fantasies in my teen years.

Enjoy my coffee in a mug. Straight-up = Black, no cream, no sugar. Hearty robust taste. Usually 2 mugs during morning hours.

No, but I have visited 6 countries in 11 days. Not much sleep, but you make it.

Have you ever been completely fooled to think that a new person in your life was your soul mate, only to discover that they never intended to change their circumstances to be with you in such a deep relationship (felt like I was a test subject for a year, until she decided to move on, no matter the wreckage she left)? [My apologies for the length, but this has bothered me and affected my life for years] Michael

Yes, a few times years ago at sporting events in stadiums. The chase, capture and arrest were usually pretty fun to watch as well. 😆

Have You Ever had another's spouse try to seduce you? Succeed?

Yes. As I fucked a girlfriend, she slid a vibrator into her ass. The vibrations and excitement in that DP brought us both to new heights (her idea). First for me: hopefully for her.

Have you ever swapped spouses or significant others with another couple? If so, who and situation?

Yes, but more often than not it was me tickling her. Laughing, relief, embrace, kiss, and off we'd go for more. Buffer, do you like being tickled?

Have you ever engaged in intercourse intentionally in front of others? [Explain - juicy details ;)]

Quite surprised, twice actually. First, a lovely lady who became my girlfriend for about 1 year. Second, a most beautiful human being came into my life. I thought, "I'm not in her league at all." A few years later, we married!

Have You Ever been near someone you just met and suddenly fell into lust immediately? Did the two of you indulge your lusts for each other?

Yes. We both knew our relationship was not going to work, yet our attraction and desire for each other provided for some delicious indulgences. Very sad we had to part ways.

HYE driven an actual authentic raceway (not homemade or upscale regular road car)? If so, what kind of racecar?

Yes, my wife, on her 16th Birthday. Being that her birthday is December 26th, her birthday always got rolled into Christmas activities. She had never had her own Birthday Party. We had just started dating, so I planned a surprise party with our friends. Yes, she was surprised, and yes, she loved it. HYE had someone throw you a surprise party (of any kind?) Who threw the surprise party for you and what was the occasion?

Quote by HelsBells

Going to an adults only resort or on a cruise and spending the trip playing with / watching strangers

May I attend with you? I love your attitude of watching and playing, or watching while playing. I agree with your choices. 😘