Thank you ..So far this site has been really cool. Very nice group of people so far and it doesn't appear to be loaded with tons of fakes and flakes. Or scam artists. Only problem I seem to be having is uploading pics to share. Some go through and others won't.dEzTPIivA6MZrp2V I am sure its something I am doing wrong Not exactly a tech savvy genius over here. Looking forward to chatting sometime soon.
have a great evening.
I am just starting to explore the site. I am hoping I can make some new acquaintances, share some erotic stories and write about my life's experiences. Read about others and their journeys. Share pictures, videos , secrets and desires and hopefully at the very least find a few people that I can eventually call friends or more If you have any interest at all please do not hesitate to reach out and say hello. Looking forward to seeing where this leads