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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Espresso
Real talk! Cheating is talked about a lot and do share that also. But what are other things that has happened to you? Like do you treat them different? Has anything surprising happen that you can trace back to that? You become more jealous? Do you no longer find them attractive after awhile or they become hotter to you??

Do share, please! And thank you in advanced!

Sorry guys I got to say as far as not having sex; I have experience with that///////////////I find other ways to enjoy myself and I don't take it out on the other person in my life. The reasons we don't are do what you gotta do to make your life work.
Active Ink Slinger
I didn't read the other replies; but if you like watching her with other men then YOU like it. It shouldn't be up for discussion unless you are somehow feeling guilty. I think its time for us to all just learn to accept each other differences because if you don't mind and they don't mind then have at it. smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Espresso
I love the "back to the top" feature that's at the bottom of our profile pages.

Similarly, can we have a "get to the bottom" feature at the top of the profile pages? Sometimes I want to leave a comment or post a pic and many lushes have TONS of pics/gifs/videos posted. It's a visual hangover seeing all that when I just want to take 2 seconds to let someone know I'm thinking of them! I'm sure others feel the same about mine!

Maybe we can call it "smack that bottom" or something else cheeky?

Smack the bottom LOL I like that.

I would like an easier way to see images on the profile page. Maybe I have no idea what I am doing but I have no idea how to see if anyone has viewed my images.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Strip down and enjoy - there is nothing I have to hide!

Exactly.......go native YES!!
Active Ink Slinger
I always feel like I don't have them enough and wished that it happened more often.
Active Ink Slinger
Dean Winchester from Supernatural!! Picture not working *is sad*

Active Ink Slinger
1. What is your Middle name?.....Rene
2. A 4 Letter Word:.......................roll
3. Girls name:............Rachel
4. Occupation--------------------Rancher
5. Something you wear:...............rollers
6. Beverage:................ -----------root beer
7.. A place: ...................................Rio
8. Something you shout .. ---------Run!!