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Over 90 days ago
Straight Cis Female
0 miles · Vancouver


Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I was able to get to the beach the other day .... amazing to be next to the water, feeling the sand under my feet .... So wonderfully blessed!!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
NINE months since my accident.

Recovery and improvements are slow ... often 2 steps (haha good pun!) forward, 1 step backwards.

Praying and working hard to get to a cane. Maybe in a month.

My Rage is at myself .... my patience wears thin.

I've had to relearn many things and reprogram myself to: a) leave in plenty of time as I'm slow to get around, b) ask for help without feeling like an 85 year old person, c) be kinder to myself and d) it's ok to be tired as healing takes a lot of energy.

Still repeating, I am so blessed to have my leg.

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Seven months since my accident ....... and I am not much closer to walking, except the bulky leg brace is off.

The pain is crazy .... and not in a good crazy way.

I had a cane for a week, but it made the pain worse. Back to 2 crutches. sigh

THANK GOD for cannabis gummies!!!

Now we are awaiting CT scan ... and if that isn't conclusive, onward to a MRI.

I can't believe how sunlight blinding me has resulted in such pain and a loss of my lifestyle.

My team of support; trauma surgeon and his team, massage therapist, physio therapists, psychologist, acupuncturist, hydrotherapist and family & friends .... has been so important to me and keeping me somewhat balance. Prayer has become a constant companion. I am thankful, so very blessed, to still have my leg.

But damn it ..... I just need to get back to being able to walk!!!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I was able to get out and saw Call Me By Your Name

A coming-of-age drama film directed by Luca Guadagnino and written by James Ivory, based on the 2007 novel of the same name by André Aciman. Takes place in 1983 in northern Italy. The story is layered; a number of relationships dance along, some in time, others not so much. The cinematography is wonderful as it portrays an unspoken dialogue with some scenes slightly out of focus yet always in a colour and view-point that is very 1980's.

Cast of Arnie Hammer, Timothee Chalamet, Michael Stuhlbarg and Amira Casar.

I thought it was wonderful and very fluid story (could have been a love between either gender and orientation or age). I think this will garner a few Oscar nominations.

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
This is as close as I'll be getting to the slopes this winter ..... grrrr

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I'd love to see a button on the forum threads wherein you can "report" pics that are again the rules: showing genitalia which is not supposed to happen in the forums, except hard core and the gold lounge.

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
this is so exhausting

trying to keep positive, but it's not working

when the pain rides, it's hard to look at the positive side - I know I'm lucky I didn't lose my leg, but this is tiring to always have to repeat that to myself .... I'm lucky .... I still have my leg!!

but trying to cope is unbearable at time ... like right now

I had one of my best and happiest summers that I had had in YEARS! (literally ... since I was a teenager!) I was so grateful to the beautiful days on my bike, heading to visit clients, enjoying the sunshine, the Vancouver breeze - summer was so wonderful. Each day my heart, my soul and my spirit was filled with pure happiness of being present and enjoying that moment. I would find time in my day to hit Granville Island to pick up fresh produce and treats .... getting home and enjoying the freshest salad and a glass of wine ... my cat chatting to me and sorting out my tomorrow - happy to lining up my day in the city. Every day and every night I said ... I am so blessed.

Then ... it all changed. Losing my cat on Sept 30, then the accident on Oct 1 .... I sometimes don't know how to cope

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I'm so exhausted I can't even get my feelings up to a rage ... rage needs energy

42 days since my accident .... and my world is still on hold, figuring out life between pain and no-weightbearing movements. It feels like a year.

I don't care how inventive I get in order to move things, have a shower, move myself, it's taking it's toll on my body and my spirit.

praying that it my progress is good so that the initial timeline of six months is FAR less!!!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by IAMLOVE
The option not to be quoted except by the moderators.


that would certainly be interesting!!

(still chuckling)
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by Buz
Remember people, we have added the option for you to block story categories you do not want to see. I am sure that most members here have anywhere from one to three, four or five categories that turn them off. We are all adults and have enough intelligence to ignore what we don't like. Let others with different tastes enjoy theirs without being so judgemental. Please exhibit your ability to be open-minded, liberal, and allowing others to be themselves.

Seriously, to anyone with ultra-conservative Puritan values, every category we have is unacceptable. To those who would suppress any opinions other than what they believe in, our Think Tank would be unacceptable. So now is a good time to show tolerance. This is a place for fantasy. The Fantasy category is just that, fantasy. Can you imagine if we did extensive research and investigation and purged every member who isn't exactly what they say they are, doesn't look like the way they promote they do, etc.? On Lushstories you can be who you are or who you want to be.

Lushstories is the best place, socially and for quality short erotic literature on the internet. Make the best of it!

I am 100% supportive of Lushstories being as successful as possible, and that very much includes financial success. The site cannot last without that.

Our story verifying team will hold every category to the same high standards before we allow it to be published here.

And abide by Buz's new slogan: 'Lush On!'

Or I'll go all linebacker on you.

Give this man a beer!

to Lush!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by Smoocher
Is there a way that we can group favorite stories (under each author) together. For example ... is there a way to group all of Mazza's stories that I have saved as "favorite" under Mazza's name and all of ShyVixen's under her name etc. As it is, the "favorites" list is really random as far as wanting to find a specific author's work that one has saved. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

I like this suggestion!
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I've been rooting for Houston Astros since my Red Sox died.

I wasn't able to see Game 4 (hospital again) ..... 6-2 for LA Dodgers

Games 2 and 3 were awesome. Real nail biters!!

Go Astros!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I guess it depends on how you like your asparagus ....

Here on the West Coast, almost everyone I know likes it to have a little crunch to it.

There are two ways I cook it.

1 - in a sauce pan, put about 1 inch of hot water in it, and bring the water to a boil. Turn off. Squeeze some lemon juice into the water. Toss asparagus in the water for 3-4 mins. Take out asparagus and season with some butter or olive oil and salt.

2 - in a fry pan on med/med high, toss in some EVOO and a wee bit of butter .... when it is doing it's frothy bit, toss asparagus and a chopped up garlic into the fry pan and kinda saute it .... again .... it should only be about 3-4 mins to cook to crunch stage.

I always use a little lemon juice and salt with my asparagus. I never do a cheese sauce or other heavy sauces.

Of course, if you like your asparagus soft, cook for longer.

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado

Meditation has helped me tremendously.

Headspace is a digital service that provides guided meditation sessions and mindfulness training. Its content can be accessed online, or via their mobile apps.

I highly recommend it for the novice.

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Sad news for our nation. Gord Downie showed the world what Canadians are .... quirky, kind, outraged at injustices, loving, and inclusive.

My favourite lyrics .....

The Tragically Hip

I left your house this morning,
'Bout a quarter after nine.
Coulda been the Willie Nelson,
Coulda been the wine
When I left your house this morning,
It was a little after nine
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Reveal themselves, one star at time

Drove back to town this morning,
With working on my mind
I thought of maybe quittin',
Thought of leavin' it behind
Went back to bed this morning
And as I'm pullin' down the blind,
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
And fallin' one cloud at a time
That night in Toronto,
With its checkerboard floors
Riding on horseback,
And keeping order restored,
Til The Men They Couldn't Hang,
Stepped to the mic and sang,
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
I got to your house this morning,
Just a little after nine
In the middle of that riot,
Couldn't get you off my mind
So, I'm at your house this morning,
Just a little after nine
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
One star at time

Your start will burn brightest showing us the way......

God bless you, Gord! We are better because of you!

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I think Temp Tats are a great idea!

If I ever found one I liked I would try it out .... but the "standard" ones you can find are not something I'd use.

Perhaps this would be an awesome start up for a tattooist to have the more "unusual" temp tats.

I'd buy shares in that!
