And for the men out there, if I can give you any advice, it would be this; pay extra attention to the woman in your life.
I personally will get my woman off with my fingers first. Many times I don't even go inside of her, I just hit the clit right and she comes pretty damn fast. After I get her off that way 2 or 3 times, I go down on her. When I go down on her, she doesn't have a chance. She will cum three or four more times before I decide I have had enough. And believe me, I love to eat pussy.
After that, she's already pretty exhausted because those are very intense orgasms for her. But once I'm inside of her and fucking her hard and fast, she will cum easily another 6 or 7 times in the space of say 30 to 45 minutes.
By the end she is Thoroughly and completely exhausted, and many times we will just lay there together and sleep. But that's the way it goes, when you know what to do, it all comes easy. And, no matter what happens in the Future, she will never ever forget what you did to her in bed. You will always be the Benchmark she measures other man up against.