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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


Quote by SweetHoneydew

From a girls perspective: some girls are uncomfortable with their own bodies, hung up on how they look, think their pussies are ugly(crazy but true),are afraid it tastes smells bad, are insecure, or uptight. Or maybe she just doesn't like it.

I couldn't agree more SweetHoneydew, I know my wife liked it but couldn't get over the insecurity's of her body.
My wife never liked it when we used to have sex, not in or on her.
Still do from time to time, I must wait for s.o. to leave for work and then use a little lotion to help it go away...
I have not, except for on here, But it is the lack of intimacy that would tempt me, as I miss the touch of a woman very much.
I love it when she does that, really turns me on...
Size not important to me, Its what you do with them that counts smile
Wrong guys for sure, I really enjoy going down, but more importantly is to be able to give such pleasure to someone and know that they are really enjoying it.
I actually find very closely trimmed more of a turn on...