Tchavalo Schmidt, Gypsy guitar
Quote by JenHiya. The message about migration was also posted on the front page and every story page in the weeks leading up to it because we know not everyone uses the forums.
I'm sorry if you missed these announcements and that it has caused stress. I hope you feel better soon. I will see if the developers can clarify if favourite story lists etc are able to be migrated and if so, get a timescale on it.
Quote by MinakoW
Some playful, secret intimate caressing can be nice. For example, in the elevator. The tension is creates is amazing. But relief happens in a safe environment, I would say.
The fantasy of sex in a public space is enticing. The beach got mentioned quite a few times by some people and that was my first thought too. But then again, to have actual sex on the beach, I'm not sure. Perhaps in the water?
Quote by Possibly
*Strolls back into the classroom for clarification:
TAMAR: "Is the question "wanna go private?" code for "I want to lick your pussy"?
STEPH: Elaborate please.
TAMAR: How about a "HOW to CYBERFUCK - part 2" please?
STEPH: OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! We have stragglers?
TAMAR: Indeed.
STEPH: Coming right up!
TAMAR: Thank you.
STEPH: There'll be a quiz... with a public posting of scores.
TAMAR: Perfect.
Quote by ShylassObserve, she writes beautifully even when just making a comment! I want her writing here.
I have family in the military. They won't touch social media (Facebook, etc), or allow photos (either on home turf or from theatre) to be used anywhere, because of the information they contain. They won't even use apps like Strava for tracking physical leisure progress on their private phone.
If you access the internet, however you choose to, you can be tracked in different ways. Therefore, it is important how we conduct ourselves. Anything within private messages, and even from those thingies that disguise your location, etc, can be scrutinised by those who know how.
We all know our private lives are our own, but that the world seeks to bring some down in whatever way they can. In such instances, as long as our activities are not illegal, or borderline, then we have a small corner to fight from.
As far as being tracked goes, welcome to the 21st century!
Nicola has built something that most could only dream of, and not only afforded immense pleasure (sexual, emotional, etc) to thousands (millions?) of individuals, but she has also educated and freed people such as myself in different ways.
This is not some massive commercial company from the off. It was built from nothing by starting with one individual's dream, and it is a pleasure for me to know that not only does she (rightly) ask for help with the running costs, but perhaps in the future, she might even make some profit for herself.
I can't currently afford to pay, but have been gifted Bronze because of my drop of offerings in this heaving ocean of pleasure. If I could afford Gold, then I would buy it. I would buy it for two reasons: because it is time to give something back to keep this growing site (and it WILL continue to grow) travelling onwards and upwards, and to show one woman and her team that they effing deserve support from this user.
As for being tracked, as long as I'm not stepping near or over any legal lines, then I'm happy to be scrutinised. I no longer work in a certain field, and if I did, there is still nothing that I am ashamed of, or that could lose me my job via private investigators for ignorant people with nothing better to do than hound those who need some help getting off for stress release.
So yes, when I can afford to pay, I will. Because not only do I believe it is right and good to put something back if I am able, but Nicola has also chosen to keep the original features of the site FREE. Her concept is still here, and still available. There are different branches that have grown, and we can climb higher if we wish. But the trunk of the tree is still accessible. It would be nice if the dogs didn't pee where I'm sitting, but I'm prepared to sit around the other side of the trunk and ignore them.