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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155
United States


I recommend unwinding by doing the opposite, activity-wise, from what you do at work.

If you are physically active at work, then curl up with a good book or maybe a movie. If you sit at a desk all day, then get some exercise, go to the beach, or maybe for a long walk or bike ride.
"Honey, I got a call from some massage parlor saying you left your wallet there- should I go and get it for you?"
People who do and say things just to get a reaction- grow up!
What a weekend!

Me and 5 other friends rented a boat and cruised between the Pacific coast and the Channel Islands! Tons of fun, great weather, and nice to get away from the city for a couple of days.
Quote by chefkathleen

Nope, told you that I watched his products being debunked on a news program.
Perhaps you won't get your panties in a bunch if I refer to the deceased as a pitchman.

much better! panties unbunching as we speak!
Quote by chefkathleen
whose billy mays

Nobody really. A con man. Some liked to called them pitch men. They try to sell the public stuff that really is either cheap or just doesn't work. Americans are gulliable. We want to believe that everything is always coming up roses.

Oh that is harsh! Looks like someone didn't get their guaranteed refund, LOL!

In all seriousness though, his job is just a part of who he was, it seems in bad taste to just throw a bad name at him because he sold products that may or may not work well. There are plenty of actual con men out there defrauding people, why spew venom at an enthusiastic salesman?
ooh I had the biggest crush on our history teacher! such a cutie and very smart and also the kind of smart ass that the dim bulbs didn't even notice the insults!

Oh how I wanted to crawl into his lap behind his desk. If I saw him now who knows but if he is still a hottie then I might try to have a little fun!
Quote by Ling-Li
I was just wondering if any ladies out there feel as if I do with regard to masterbation. Do any of you get upset when your man/partner does it?


Hey another Ling!!

I dated a guy once who was addicted to it, and I actually got deprived! He would make excuses not to have sex with me but I know he was beating off beforehand!

I said goodbye, go be some other girl's problem, loser!
if it's a bigger car then the sky's the limit! If it's a van then hell it might as well be a room in a house, but still fun! I love to feel the whole care move to our rhythm.
I've done this a few times, sometimes it has been just fine and other times a complete disaster!

If you think it's a bad idea, then it is!
Depends on the guy, totally. Sometimes I can feel it swell, and sometimes I can feel myself getting flooded with warmth, but othertimes I just know it happened because of everything else that happens when he cums.