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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 33
0 miles · Indianapolis


Yes, this is all true. Almost all countries have a population "boom" between the time that medication, enough food, shelter, etc. became available and the time that they became "developed" (ie heavy industry such as autos and white-collar jobs). If you live in a developed country (which is likely if you have access to the Internet and speak English well enough to write or read these stories), your population will not get much higher in the coming years. In developing countries, population continues to rise at an incredible rate, although the rate of increase is slowing down. So in a few decades, the world will stop gaining population. Problem solved, right?

No. With current production techniques Earth can only provide so much food, fuel, etc. If all humans consumed as much as Americans, the Earth could only support 1.4 billion people. So unless we develop some wonder farming technique or all learn to live a little less lavishly (even more unlikely), we can expect a lot of poverty and wars over resources in the next 100 years.

Sad, huh?
Example: "She's getting quite good at it, and everytime, I feed her womb some more of my sperm, just to make sure she's nice and pregnant. No harm there, since she already is." There are worse.
If you ever want a good laugh, check out and This is where I got my start writing, and although there are a few standout writers, they are mostly awful. The fact that they spel liek tihs doesn't help either.
I tend to try not to start writing my stories when aroused, although this state usually doesn't last too long. I usually base my characters loosely off of someone I know, although I make sure to change enough things to make them entirely fictional creations.
I've written sex-related stories almost since I knew what sex was. I just have the constant urge to write about what's on my mind, and being 19, that's often sex.
My sex stories are like some person named Cory Doctorow's. But my non-sex stories come up with Ernest Hemingway. Woot.
It's possible to fall in love with anyone, anytime, anywhere. The question is whether the love works.
My guess would be that it's sort of an evolutionary thing. Men instinctively want young, hot women who can give them babies (in general), while women instinctively want older, established men who can provide for them. Obviously there are many exceptions, especially in the modern world. And your fetish isn't half as as many peoples' including mine ( !!!!!.......) But I digress...
It's a Western thing which is most prevalent in America. The British have Peter Pan, and there's infinite German fairytales about rogueish types saving the day and winning the girl. More than any people, I think Americans fear authority and support the individual, probably because America's original settlers were adventurous, pioneering types (not counting American Indians- who were mostly killed by these adventurous, pioneering types).

Anyhoo, in Western culture we see individuals and small groups (packs, families) as inherently good and society at large as inherently evil. This is reversed in Eastern culture, where individuals are viewed as only able to achieve their full potential when working towards a higher goal for everyone. (These are blanket statements, I mean them only IN GENERAL).

Also, lone outlaws just make better TV.
I personally prefer to use a lot of dialogue with limited description- I like to build up the chemistry between the characters. My goal, however, is to use dialogue only to advance characterization and plot, and not just to pad my story with extra words. While I do use some description in talking about the character's physical appearance and setting, I like to leave that mainly for the reader's imagination. That's just me though.