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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 32
United States


its been a month because of this stupid infection I have. I'm not even allowed to sleep in the same bed as my girl in case I transfer it. I'm the sick one and I'm stuck on the couch? I had impetigo that turned into cellulitis. Fuck me...
Quote by SereneProdigy
Do you feel comfortable masturbating while thinking about one of your crushes?

For some reason, I have a hard time with this. I have no trouble admitting that I would gladly fuck this or that girl, but I also don't feel that comfortable masturbating while thinking about a specific girl if we didn't have sex already. I think I would just feel awkward when meeting her the next time, as if I had a big secret that I'd have to hide from her. I would also feel a bit at her mercy somehow, as if anything I was doing for her was done for the sole purpose of getting laid in the end. I actually do this more for myself than I do it for her.

I know it might not be that big of a deal if I did masturbate to her, but it has become a habit to avoid it for me. Even if I masturbate to random pornstars, I try to avoid actresses who look too much like her. If, for example, the girl I have a crush on is a short busty blonde, I might masturbate to tall thin brunettes for a while. It's not really an issue for me either, by the way.

Any other guy is like this? Women are welcome to comment too.

I completely understand these sentiments. I never masturbated to anyone I had a crush on. Its almost like you hold them on a pedestal like they're better than other people. I know that might be a little weird and maybe a little unhealthy, but that's just how my mind worked. I don't feel weird or guilty about masturbating to my girlfriend, which might be equally odd, considering. When I do it though, I rarely think about much at all to be honest. It's like meditation. Yeah sometimes I just want to crank one out, but usually its about relaxation.
I would feel that my work is unfinished. My orgasm is about physical pleasure, giving you one is pleasure of the mind and soul. That "I'm on top of the world" feeling is never as good as in that situation.
the original stepfather: "buckle up for safety!"

the ladykillers: "We must have waffles. We must have waffles, forthwith! We must think, and we must have waffles. We must all think to the best of his and her abilities, madam."

Super Trooper has endless awesome quotes. "I don't want a large Farva, I want a gad damn liter of cola!"
coke, and generally coke products. I'm probably one of the few people on earth who likes Mello Yello over Mountain Dew
I guess regretting love lost is better than the regret of never knowing what it feels like. The former is a void that you'll never fill with any amount of money or things, although eventually you just might become numb to it.
I think I may be the first one to say no. I don't call it slutty, but I'm not much into sharing. Call me greedy if you must, but I want the attention on me and I want to give the same. Anyway, I've always had problems being undressed around other guys. Even if I'm with my friends I'll still throw a shirt on unless we're at a pool or something.
I noticed a few people said that they came quicker from doggie. I find that kind of weird. Maybe I'm the weird one, but I find it very hard to cum while standing up or even kneeling, whether it's doggie, oral, or jerking off. I guess the point is that we are all different. Like the gentle snowflake...
originality is overrated. In awesome cliche fashion, "old tricks are usually the best tricks."
how can a letter be better than a whole animal? for shame. Zebra's the choice people
there are plenty of good horror films out there. You just have to sift through all the crap. Insidious was a very well done movie. The Descent, 1408, Let Me in(or the original swedish film), REC 1 and 2, 30 days of night, Midnight Meat Train, Sinister. Those are just a few recent films that come to mind.
Anything by Steven King. His books are far better than the majority of his movies. Out of his works, The Stand, Salem's Lot, The Dark Tower series, It, The Dark Half, and Needful Things are all great.

Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer - a little bit for younger readers, but since many adults enjoy harry potter, it shouldn't be a problem.
Watership Down by Richard Adams
Redwall series by Brian Jacques
By Reason Of Insanity by Shane Stevens
Stories From The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling
More Stories From The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Most well known stories from HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. The Hound and The Call of Cthulhu are very interesting. Sometimes Poe rambles a bit, but most of his stories are interesting.
You say your bf has no interest in you? You also said he doesn't even masturbate? Something is wrong right there. Unless something is physically or emotionally wrong with him(please don't take that as me calling him impotent or insane) that is not normal. Is he depressed?
If you find he is lying about the masturbation thing or that he really has lost interest, it's time to move on. Getting bogged down in a nowhere relationship is not where you want to be. I've been there. About the other guy, if you two aren't physically attracted, it isn't going to work out. Relationships need certain things to work, or you're going to stay unhappy. My advice would be to tell your boyfriend how you feel about the situation, and if he doesn't change get out of dodge. I know change is hard, but it has to happen if you want to see improvement. The longer you wait, the harder its going to be.
Because I can be thick as hell sometimes, I missed an opportunity with a girl I worked with a couple years ago. She was absolutely gorgeous. After I hooked up with my current girl, she told me it was too bad because she would have fucked me in a heart beat. Not that I'm mad about my current situation, but that was probably my last chance with another girl, and a real prize at that.
unless this question needs rephrasing, is that even a question that needs asking? Unless you've got a can of monster attached to your pelvis or something
A girl turned on by something i do. It's simple, but there's something about knowing she wants me.
Love is a state of mind. It's much easier to understand it in how it is expressed. What are you willing to do for your partner? How far would you go? The problem is finding that point where lust, passion, and love differ. Lust will fade, passion might, but love should last for life.
I want to watch my girlfriend with another woman. There would be something so awesome about it. Then I would want to join in obviously.
I can't really think of anything else. The 4 or 5 other things I wanted have already happened.
I've found clear evidence that you don't have to be a so-called nice guy to be the type of person the article describes. I can see how being that way can turn someone into a dick.
gauge piercings are just nasty. normal piercings not on the ear are major turn offs too.
it's got to be mental powers. How awesome would it be to put thoughts into peoples heads or to read minds? it's every star wars fan's dream to be able to do the jedi mind trick.

"I wasn't late to work... You actually came to talk to me about a pay raise..."
if we're talking just looks, ass wins. It's the shape not the size for both though