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2 weeks ago
Straight Male, 35
0 miles · Texas


I actually dunno why people make such an issue of deleting friends. Just block the idiots that bother you, why announce to the whole site that you're:

DELETING FRIENDS NOW! If you havent talked to me, then you're gone!

Just fucking delete them. All that is doing is advertising your neediness for attention and creating a mad rush of chats, messages, and pokes for attention. I've actually deleted THOSE people that I see with that sort of quote post on their profile, or the ones that spam my InBox with that kinda message.

I delete friends, but really only because it takes forever to try find one in particular. Well, I guess if they're idiots too - I'll delete them.

...I do wish it was easier to kinda mass delete some. As far as I can tell, you can only delete one at a time and there's no way to select multiple friends to delete at once - that'd be handy to have.
I havent gone back to look through all seven pages of this post, but i'm pretty sure most of us replying to it do read profiles. Somehow, I just doubt those that don't bother to "read the articles" dont even know we have a forum on here!
Quote by padfootthegreat
Do guys really imagine having sex with all of their female friends, or do they just fantasize about the ones they find attractive?

Do we IMAGINE it..?.. Yes. Every single one has appeared naked in our heads and we've imagined sex.

...but then you mixed it up with FANTASIZE... I wouldn't say that we go that far with all of our female friends.
So... I'm pretty casual about everything and something I find kinda funny is the...uhhh... slight hypocrisies of people on here. For instance, a lot of ladies get SO bent outta shape when others don't either read or pay attention to the info on their profiles. It is annoying though and I totally agree with them!

So, it more than cracks me up when I get hit up with a Chat Request while I'm in a ChatRoom and the person gets offended, slighted, pissed, or downright demeaning to me because I'm not into cybering much. I sometimes manage to be funny in the rooms, and then all of sudden I'm supposed to be Super Sexy Captain Cum Maker in a Private Chat..?.. errrr... if I claim to be the "Resident Idiot" in the ChatRooms, why the hell would you think I'm going to be any different in a Chat? ESPECIALLY when the first thing you say to me in that chat is: "You're funny!"

I say all of this really just to take a poll:

Is it rude to still be generally chatting around in a room when you have a Private Chat going?

Apparently, it is. I was just informed of this tonight. Which is funny, because I do this all the time and no one has ever seemed bothered or cared. The best part (and damn me for not having my Chats saved!) is the lady hit me up because she thought I was funny. Then when I maintained my usual jovial self in the Chat & ChatRoom - she became dissatisfied and ABRUPTLY switched gears, called me "rude", and then called me a "little boy".

...which is just awesome! I mean, I know the fellas on here never call out the ladies for being "teases", "bitches", "bitter old ladies" when they get turned down for chats. If someone's not into it, they're not into it - right? I know everyone simply respects that!
Quote by Muffinman82

Advert what?

It's not funny, she wasn't the first btw, one time I was declined online for the same reason sad.

It IS funny! Don't "advert what?" either... just like any guy that will post on here with their stories of being dissed for dick dimensions, you're not so casually showing off the piece.

Still, even more entertaining to me are the guys that always brag about being hung. It's not always a good thing. You're sometimes a sideshow. Nothing but a curiosity. Intimidating. Even damaging like LadyX implied when she said she wished afterwards she had declined.

If you're braggin', ya ain't packin'.
Face? No. Not eve really if she asks for it.

...tits? HELL YES!
I didn't really know where to propose this so, I figured I'd drop it down here in the Lounge...

Would anyone be up for some random -ing? I know it's a shameless (desperate) solicitation, but I've seen in on a few other sites. I'm usually up for some random fun & flirting and seems to be a pretty harmless way to go about it!

So, for all of those potentially down for a bit of a distraction during the day - post your kiKs!
I personally don't like the "Popularity Contest" mentality that exists on here with a lot of aspects, including the stories. Yes, PLENTY of authors are just that: authors that write for the sake of expression and sharing. There are plenty more on here that are solely "LOOKIT ME!" types that'll spam your InBox with "CHECK OUT MY STORY & BE SURE TO VOTE AND COMMENT! LOL" messages.

I'm always surprised to hear about how someone's story was rejected for composition, grammar, or simple structuring... I figure the MOD mods review the submissions enough to deem them worthy of posting and it seems strict already. While I guess I wouldn't want just pure crap getting posted, at the same time... this IS just expression. Fantasy. An outlet for people. Fine, call it "art" - whatever. That being the case though, EXCEPT for illegal/banned content, why shouldn't people be allowed to share their stories in whatever form they're capable of.

We're allowed to edit them ourselves, so to some extent, being forced through an editing process kinda kills the simply fun of sharing a tale or two.
Quote by Haineko


I could be wrong but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Nicola is not a guy

Dammit! I had the right idea, just didn't pay attention to the details.

yes, I know she's not.


...not exactly the point though.
Quote by nicola

Jillicious wrote:
I recommend tiacutebutt

Anyone with guts enough to claim to be Euphrat from Met-Art deserves a visit!

Somehow I don't think this member's profile is all true....

My name is Tia I live in Hawaii; I am 18years old 5’6’’ 108 pounds 34 c bust 22 inch waist 3o hips and green eyes. I am bi-sexual I love threesome two girls one boy. Two boys or three boys and me is ok to. I love sex every part of it. I have sex everyday most days two times. I like big guys, small girls. I love to masturbate with and without toys, eat pussy, finger fuck, squirt, kiss. Suck cock. Lick balls, fuck, ass fuck and eat cum, I love cum and now I just started fucking my daddy.

Now see... I know you're the patriarch of the place, but how come my thread that simply pointed out profiles that shared the same pics that claimed to be individuals (therefore... GASP! highly probable fakes!!) was erased?

SUPPOSEDLY for the sake of "fantasy", "escapism", "role play", or whatever other excuse was given for those individuals that try to pass-off obviously pulled pics from the 'net and pass 'em off as themselves.

...even when someone else already has on here! hahahahaha!

Anyway, I recommend these two ladies:
Quote by blazestcyr
... lie about your sexual identity on a site that allows freedom for all


YES! exactly! why lie? this is the best place to be totally open and honest! no judgements and if anyone DOES judge..?.. who cares?! it's all online bs anyway! we don't know you, so why be a retard and fake?
Now, what about all the men who always comment on the ASK THE GALS forums?
...oh, and I can't stand the delusional people that try to pass-off pics of models or others as themselves, but there's no stopping that shit.
I personally just hate the individuals that CONSTANTLY advertise their pics, nudes or not, and badger for comments on them. Wanna share? Share. Show-off? Outstanding - have a good time!

...but fucking leave it at that and let those that see it, enjoy it, and feel led to drop a comment do their thing. I never care if someone has ANY pics up, but I can't stand constantly being asked, reminded, told, messaged, badgered, joked with, or anything else to "comment on my pics!"
Usually all over my chest. I never properly prepare and grab a towel!
Have you ever seen me on here?!?! Hahahaha! I usually AM hammered!
Quote by nicola

I think you are simply a thinly veiled spammer, trying to pimp the dating site in your profile, which I've since removed.

I would never DREAM to question the patriarch... but...

If you're going to call people out (which I LOVE!!!), how come the thread I started that exposed all of the people that had the same pics posted and trying to pass off as themselves down? I wasn't even calling out random people... just the people that were two different profiles, using the SAME "pulled pornsite pics" and trying to pass them off as themselves.
Quote by Kaylee
burger king fries

+2 points for Kaylee! Another 5 if ya dip 'em in a chocolate shake!!

Peanut M&Ms!

No shit... I snack on those things like a FIEND! It's become an actual part of the bar I work at now. I have a lot of regulars that come see me and they all randomly bring me HUGE bags of those! Everyone knows I always have them and I end-up having to share with customers. Which, I'm happy to do because like I said: they buy 'em for me now anyway!
Except during Football Season, yeah - I definitely spend more time online than in front of the TV.
I think it's hands down the most annoying damn thing ever!!!

...well, maybe not EVER, but it's definitely up there on the Most Annoying Shit Ever List.

My favorite is when it's people that have OBVIOUSLY pulled pics from some model site!


The story solicitations..?.. Eh, I don't mind TOO much and kinda understand. At least it's a contributing factor to the site... the story submissions, that is.
Whattaya mean "OTHER" sites?!?!?!

This is sexually oriented?!?!?! HOLY CRAP! My innocent eyes!

i never got the whole frat boy biscuit thing, but i've done a circle jerk. it was cool. fun. once was at the request of a girl. she was center stage on the floor and just wanted t watch us al. there was... maybe 4-5. not a bukkake thing, we all just sat or kneeled around her and jerked off while she smiled, clapped, cooed, and cheered!
Quote by nicola
I popped into the chat rooms the other night, and was shocked.

I honestly couldn't tell if she was kidding or not at first.. I should really pay attention more.

There needs to be some sorta ANATOMIC VERIFIER on here!!!! i'm friggin' tired of all the "girls" that are "strictly lesbian, so guys FUCK OFF!" that do nothing but harass the actual ladies on here in the chatrooms!

So, from now on... ya should have to mushroom stamp your screen, or titty tickle it for a profile gender!