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Over 90 days ago
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Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for that. Is it likely they would be approved for explicit erotica?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wilful
I'm with Poppet on the upper case "G" for the same reasons: it's a name, and it's respectful.

Respectful to whom or what?
Active Ink Slinger
Hi all,
Newbie here. My question relates to the photos used here primarily in the signature to promote stories. Where do you find photos that are free from copyright issues etc.

There are millions of great images out there in web land but I'm uncomfortable about using them in case someone took exception to its use.

Where do you get them?
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks everyone for your help. I've removed the signature because it was a tad over the top.
I should have thought it all through before putting it up but I was experimenting with hyperlinking future new stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi Dani
I did everything exactly as you said (I think) and I get this error message
Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.

I can get the JPEG to appear OK but once I try to add the hyperlink it all f*#@s up.
I have no idea why?
Active Ink Slinger
Why hasn't anyone included my 5"

Active Ink Slinger
Hi all you Guru's out there.
If I want to have a story promo JPEG in my signature on my forum posts, how do I create a hyperlink to the actual story?
I notice a lot of author's have done it.
Thanks in advance.
Active Ink Slinger
IMHO I reckon almost any story can have another chapter. But from a newbie author's point of view, I want to move onto new material and ideas.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with Naturallyred, I read stories and score them but often don't comment because it's already been said.
Active Ink Slinger
Alcohol affects me in many negative ways. Causes skin irritation, creates congestion and coughing. The problem is, I love to have a drink.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy
Hello everyone,

Since a few months, I've been suffering from pain in both of my knees. Nothing major really, but enough to cause discomfort and get me worried. I must say that I lift weights regularly, and train my legs once per week.

The pain is located on the front, below the kneecap. I can also hear/feel my knees cracking at times when I flex my legs. I did some research and I believe it might be arthritis (deterioration of the joint). I'm seeing my doctor in 2 weeks ; hopefully she'll offer a diagnosis or a x-ray exam. I also asked for advices here and there, and so far I've been recommended to :

- Take glucosamine supplements (I already did that)
- Perform stretch routines to increase flexibility
- Use knee sleeves to improve support during exercises

One thing I'm confused about is concerning inflammation. Some say it should be eliminated, while others say it is a natural healing process and shouldn't be hindered (the latter has received more attention recently). Almost opposite regimens can be followed in each case, RICE or MEAT.


RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, used to reduce inflammation

MEAT = Movement, Exercise, Analgesics, Treatments, used to stimulate joints and accelerate the healing process

Does any of you know about these regimens, or have any other advice to share?

Thanks a lot!

You don't say how old you are but it sounds like Meniscus tear or arthritis. My ortho surgeon reckons nothing works except losing weight.
Active Ink Slinger
Yep, I've been cycling for years and it is great for every aspect of your life.
Active Ink Slinger
Every time I was asked to do a survey, I was too busy jerking off :-)
Active Ink Slinger
Exercise absolutely, and if your carrying extra kilos, drop them off.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd have done much better if I'd been looking for real pussies.