Congrats to all the lovely and seriously sexified ladies who rounded out the top three! I think I've now read all of the entries and can't imagine how the judges narrowed it down with so many quality submissions.
Participating in this mini challenge was a rare indulgence for me and I'm so grateful to have had a new excuse to spend a little time reading and chatting.
Thanks to Rump and Sprite and Jim and all the others who made this possible. Hugs to all!
Setting my laptop up on the bar. Oh wait, do you have wifi? Please don't tell me it's only dial up around here. A girl's got micros to read! At least as long as I don't see the spider. One look at him and I'm outta here.
While I'm here I'd love an espresso too.
Hi all. I wanted to say thank you for a comp that I actually found time to enter with entries I'll have time to read. I really should stop in here more often with such nice people around. Now then, do you have Shock Top on tap? Cheers!
Pop Evil and Nickleback last night. Better live than I expected.
Happy birthday you little girliest of girly girls. Hope it was fantastic!
Congratulations Kee!!! Thanks for taking on more than your fair share.
I trust my instincts more than I trust people no matter how much I may love them.
Congratulations to the top three and to all who are part of the top 15! There were so many gorgeous entries its an honor to be named. Honestly, not even all of my favorites are here. That just shows the quality of the submissions in this comp. What a happy Saturday!
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. That's absolutely heartbreaking, especially so close to your special day. Its wonderful to pay her tribute with happy thoughts and wonderful memories. Hugs and prayers for you all.
Always a good girl, I studied hard when I needed to and was nice to everybody. Graduated a year early and was a close friend of the librarian. I wasn't really a nerd but not one of the cool kids either.
I decided to chime in as last week the receptionist was shocked when she heard me talking about my age. She said you don't look it and DEFINITELY don't act it. Hmm. I have no idea if that is a compliment but I've decided to take it as one. If it wasn't, I'll never know.