I was around 7 or 8 I had soaped up and it felt good rubbing the little guy and the next thing i knew was something was happening to my pee pee.
I felt all nervouse and shaky.
After i towelled off is when i discovered i had soap up inside the head OUCH what a wake up call it hurt for hours but next morning I started working on having another one.
Around 10 or 11 I started ejaculating and seeing if i could hit the celing lol
I love all sizes but I honestly feel smaller breast are better.
They for the most part fit in your mouth and I like the texture in them.
Plus alot of women are very self confident about there size so I want to encourage all you gals that being like Dolly Parton Is not always what we want (at least me)
Theres a old saying that more then a moutfull is a waste ha ha.