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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Cis Male, 36
0 miles · Inverness


Cheese stuffed crust, light tomato and basil sauce base, double mozzarella covering, with ham, chicken, pepperoni, mushroom and sweetcorn. 12" +.
I've always identified with sidekicks for some reason. The Robins and Ron Weasleys of the world. As a kid, I always preferred Knuckles the Echidna to Sonic the Hedgehog and Ultra Magnus over Optimus Prime.

As far as characters I admire, there's loads. But I'm going to list a few that are off the beaten track.

The Rock (WWE 1999-2002)
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (WWE 1997-2001)
Mark Anthony (Julius Caesar)
Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing)

HYE been interrupted masturbating by someone you fancy, but weren't in a relationship with?
Absolutely. Not a pain fan, but love to share roles and being submissive is so delicious
I feel a kind of bulging inside my penis first alongside butterflies in my stomach. My whole pevic area gets warmer and sometimes I can actually feel the increased blood pumping into my penis. My testicles/scrotum begins to tingle and then when my penis begins to really engorge and become erect, my increased shaft tingles in a sort of bulging, expanding sort of way. My helmet feels like it is being caressed as it peeks out from my foreskin. I develop this instinctive urge to thrust my hips forwards and by this point I feel like I am on drugs as I can feel the testosterone, dopamine and endorphins coarsing through my body and I even become aware of the mydriatic effect on my eyes. Once fully erect, to me, it feels like it is full of orgasm just eager to be released like a jack in the box.

The sensation can vary slightly depending on what is making me erect, but that is a rough overview.
Quote by amy221

LOL, I got a great Shakespear joke slash riddle, if you really know Shakespeare, I'll share it with you.

Likely cannabalism.

Amy and I would endulge in the food of love. smile

I'm all ears for your riddle.
I suspect Amy and I would quote a lot of Shakespeare together. Quite a blissful experience.
Cpt Jean Luke Piccard. No question.

If you had one superpower for one week only, what power and why?
Quote by SylviaK

Thank you for describing sexual molestation so clearly.

You're welcome, it's just really sad in this day and age that this needs clarified.
I was a pretty poor football (soccer) player but I was passionate, driven and enthusiastic. I used to suffer from depression and anxiety. My old coach, one day, out of the blue said to me, "You know, James, you're such a great part of the squad, your personality gives everyone such a lift. You're a great character in the changing room." it literally changed my outlook on life and transformed my self confidence over night.
Quote by Soleil_Rouge

Had to let you know that I LOVE your signature ? I'm a BIG fan of Freddie Mercury and Queen ?

Roger, I would love to have tea or coffee with you smile

He's only the greatest musical talent ever to grace the planet! (3)

Mister E, let's do tea. 'Cause it rhymes.
This is a ridiculous question. I apologise to women for answering for you, but public unrequested molestation is sexual assault. Women are human beings, not toys for a man's pleasure.

If you decide to "molest" (read: sexually assault) a woman, you have no idea if she is a lesbian and so will have no interest, she may be a survivor of previous sexual abuse and it could cause massive emotional damage.

In short, it is a horrific, selfish act carried out by men (and women) who are needy, desperate and cowardly.