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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mantus
Nope, i think it's borring and for lazy people. if you like something write a comment or you like to comment and just say it "i'm agree with you" something like that

People are lazy, that's just the truth.
Giving them an option to share their opinion with the click of a mouse, might convince them to actually share it instead of just leaving.

What is this lush-button you peeps are talking about? Haven't really noticed it anywhere.
Active Ink Slinger
But people don't usually read through an entire topic, to find how many users share an opinion.

Anyway, could be a bad idea. Just thought to throw it out and ask opinions in a poll.

Quote by tashitasha

I think the idea is great for pictures and forums and status but not for stories. I mean there's already the scoring option and the comments option.

Wasn't suggesting it for stories. Although i personally believe, that a like/dislike function for stories would be better than the voting system there is now. Three of the five vote options rarely get used anyway. But that was another topic ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Titel says enough?

Would you want to be able to 'Like' certain comments/forum posts/pictures/etc...

No idea if it would be something hard to implement,but a lot of other sites have it.

Active Ink Slinger
I like playing soccer! Used to play until 2 years ago.

Rarely watch it thou. Have no idea which players play on which team.
But if my friends are watching a game, I'm able to join and enjoy watching it.
Active Ink Slinger
A regular (old) hoodie.
Don't wear it to go out, but it's so cozy and warm.

Sometimes people comment me about wearing a hood indoors.
No, I'm not trying to look like a gangster, it's just comfortable.
Active Ink Slinger
If you post it at peek times, it will get sweeped of homepage faster.
If you post it at low times, it will get fewer viewers.
For the ones who prefer positive thinking.
If you post it at peek times, it will get viewers faster.
If you post it at low times, it will stay on the homepage longer.

That being said,if you want to be listed as story of the month. The beginning of the month would be best, since u have longer time to rack up views/votes.
Active Ink Slinger
Let me think...


Vegetables and meat, but trying to remember what.


Carrots! Sweet sliced carrots.

Now for the meat.


Oh, just a meat burger.
Active Ink Slinger
Tried it out on five stories.

They all got:
Grade: 5-7
Readability: 68-72

No, idea what I can do with this information thou...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola

This is linked to from the competition page:

Oops, missed that link.
Active Ink Slinger

As you rate the other autor, u make note of what you could do better in your owns stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Miss_Roxanne

Ok, i should put it in a clearer manner. Keeping the whole multiple scenes in a continuous action is no problem. But, if you cram 3 different scenes with pauses in between might work well with some people if it is not repetitive, but it often makes the story too long to retain interest. Unless you are a very very good writer on sex, it can appear long winded and tiring for most people

Masturbation involes genitals so i count as yes.

Multiple was kinda misleading of me to say, I use 2 usually.
But yeah, I think my first chapters might be a bit too long, the sequels are probably going to be shorter.

I don't get much feedback thou, so pretty unsure.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Miss_Roxanne
Rule 1-Keep each story with only one sex scene so the sex doesnt get old for the reader
Rule 2- Leaving a part of your whole story (part 1 or 2 etc) with no sex or anything sexy might get you lower scores. You know how horny many lush readers like our stories.
Rule 3- stick to rule 1 and 2

I learn it the hard way from being disobedient to the rules

I like to put multiple sex scenes in 1 chapter, but I make sure they are different.

boy-girl and girl-girl
blowjob and fuck
boy-girl and masturbation

Wait? Is masturbation considered a sex scene?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by clum

Then made the same mistake telling us about it...

Sorry, was meant as a joke...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rolando
Try using the spell check.

e.g. the title of this thread "Editting stories"

Editted that out ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I've just finished my third chapter of a storyline I'm writing.

I'd like to rephrase some things, now I have a bit more experience in writing.
Also some grammatical errors people have told me about, I’d like to edit those out.

I wouldn't really change the story, so readers don't actually have to reread them or anything.

Just wondering if this happens a lot here. The editing of posted stories.
Will it show somewhere that the story has been edited?

Also, will the story keep its view and such? Or is it considered a reposting?
Active Ink Slinger
I was just wondering.
What do most authors do when they write stories, consisting of multiple parts.

Do they post them all in one category?
Even if some parts have barely anything to do with that category?

I understand the use of tags and such. But choosing the right category helps alot for people who don't want to read certain things.

btw, why isn't there a 'Teen' category?
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, do really this few people actually vote?

Makes me feel kinda dumb, that I didn't realise it was actually working.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LittleBambi
I think we should all mix it up a bit and give all our friends 3s instead of 5s. You know what they's all shits and giggles until someone shits and giggles.

Quickly to the OP....I don't believe in giving out 5s if it was anything less than a perfectly woven story (plot wise, I can allow a few minor grammatical errors), I rarely find the time/interest/motivation to read stories these days (I'm rather fussy about what I read!!) but when I do I never hesitate to give 3s or 4s. As you said, a 3 is not a bad score, it shows that there is something there but that there's room for improvement. It's one thing to be going around targeting authors (especially targeting one specific author) with 3s, but if I read 10 stories in a row and I don't deem any of them good enough for a 4 then they can all have 3s. It's not about dragging down a score or hurting someone's feelings, it's about giving honest, constructive criticism and encouraging improvement.

At the end of the day, if an author is incapable of taking constructive criticism and doesn't want to be given grounds that might make them consider how good they really are and where they could improve (or to have it implied in the scores that they have room to improve) then they ought to take advantage of the site features and take away the scoring on their stories.

Agreed with u for the biggest part, but I think a lot of authors refuse to give 3's or give negative comments, because they fear getting 'revenge voted'.


In other news:
I recently noticed this option in my setting/privacy:
Public Voting - Y/N Only members can vote on my stories

This doesn't work yet? I'd love to be able to turn this option of. If unregistered people could vote it would mean that the votes represent a larger public. There would of course be the occasional troll-voter, but in the end I think u'dd have a more accurate score of your stories.



I noticed there are a lot of different people here. Some try to find out how good they are at being an author. Some just like reading 'written porn'. Some want to read good stories, that have some erotical content, which isn't usually found in other books. Some are here just for the community and fun. But most people fall into multiple of these categories.

I actually don't remember what point I was trying to make writing this...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

To the original poster: The problem with any scoring system is that every author thinks their story is one of the best yarns of the 21st century... I compare it to parents and their babies. Have you ever been shown a picture of someone's baby after the go off on how cute it is then you see the picture and the baby looks like rodney dangerfield? It's kind of like that. No matter what system people are going to believe they should have perfect scores.

You are right. I'dd like to say I would prefer people rate my stories lower, so I could actually see if I'm improving or not. But that might be a lie I tell myself to feel better silly

Quote by Magical_felix

Milk the Red: so you're saying that the same story could either get a score of 5, 4 or other based on the current score? Like, you could read a story and consider it a 4 but then if you see the score is at a 3 you will give it a 5 because you think it deserves higher than a 3 even though you considered the story a 4? Am I understanding correctly?

I think hiding the exact voting result would "solve" this. If it is considered a problem that is.
And now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I don't wanne be able see the individual votes anyways.

They don't show the result of the people who voted before you, when you vote for the elections do they? They only show some estimates on television before the actual elections.

Being able to sort stories by 'times favorited' would indeed be a nice option.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, thanks. Good idea.

I can't believe I didn't manage to come up with that myself
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by clum
This subject gets discussed a lot and there have been a few threads before but I can only find one:

You are free to use the scoring system however you see fit (except maliciously) but I don't think you're ever going to change how people generally vote here. Fours and fives are the norm, threes are not so good, ones and twos are awful; that's just the way people see it.

Don't let yourself be swayed by everyone else, though; as long as you have a valid reason for giving a certain score, no one can do anything about it.

Of course, you don't have to score at all and you can have the scoring turned off on your own stories (if you have any).

The fact of the matter is, people score high on this site. You can still distinguish the REALLY good writers from the average ones so what harm is done?

It's an adult site; just enjoy it.

I agree that scoring isn't the most important aspect of the site.

But often, when I'm looking to read a story. I find myself having to read a big part of it before deciding that the story isn't actually as good as the score says it is. There are so many stories available, sometimes it's frustrating to spend a lot of time trying to find a good one.

Can you tell me how u distinguish a really good story from an average one without reading through a part of it? I noticed the sorting by popularity isn't just a sorting by rating, as it shows stories that do not have the perfect average-5-rating. And I found these stories noticeably better than some other ones that I read on this site. I'm gonne assume the popularity is a mix of views/ratings/favorites, which is really good I think.
Active Ink Slinger
Hey, I've just joined the Lush community two days ago. So I'm new. smile

Looking around the site, reading some stories, I noticed how most 'decent' stories received almost exclusively 5-votes. There are of course some stories that do not fall into this category, because they are either badly written or not as likeable to most people.

I also searched the forum a bit and found that some people complain about how they got a 3-vote on their story. While having had nothing but 5-votes still. To me this is kind of strange, since a 3-vote stands for 'average' so the majority of votes should be 3-votes right?

When I tried to vote on some stories myself, I then found myself unwilling to vote so far off the other voters. If I really like a story I will favorite it and vote 5. But if the story is merely an average story in my opinion, while it had received only 5-votes until then. I could not bring myself to voting and just left the page.

As some of u might remember YouTube used to work with 5-stars. But after a while people just voted either 5-stars or 1-star. So the site changed the voting system to a like/dislike voting system similar to facebook.

I'm not saying this site should simplify to something similar. But the verbal descriptions associated with the voting (poor-fair-average-good-excellent), barely have a difference. The only reason to give a 2-vote (fair), is because you feel even worse giving a 1-vote.

Personally I think 5-votes should be used to separate the really good stories from the good stories.

So what if the votes would say this:

1 = Bad story
2 = Average story
3 = Good story
4 = Excellent story
5 = One of the best stories ever read. + voting 5, would force you to favorite the story.

If you really like the story, why would you not want to favorite it? If you don't think it's worthy to stand in your profile under your favorites, is it still worth the 5-vote?

Anyways this post is just some random thought that crossed my mind this morning. Again I'm pretty new here, so I don't really have a clue how things go on around here at Lush. But I figured it wouldn't hurt anyone, just sharing my thoughts.

EDIT: this is probably the wrong forum section, my apologies.