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1 week ago
Bisexual Female
0 miles · Pennsylvania


Yes and for the better! I was unsure of myself, sexually, but after talking to a lot of amazing people here I know that I'm normal. I have so much more sexual confidence and I have been putting myself into situations where I normally would hide from. I'm so so so happy I found this place.
Quote by steph29
It would be totally gone! Its an easy call for me though since I'm smallish and rarely wear one anyway. But given that finding, I'd never wear one.

I'm totally this too! I don't have much going on up top so I don't really wear a bra. Probably once a week, maybe.
I am vocal. Definitely a lot of swearing lol! "oh fuck" is usually my favorite haha biggrin
I am vocal. Definitely a lot of swearing lol! "oh fuck" is usually my favorite haha biggrin
I went against my rules and had sex with a 19 yr old recently. I was pleasantly surprised at how great he was!
hm..don't know the measurements but he was longer than both my fists put together and probably as thick as a Red Bull can.