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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Cis Female, 36
0 miles · Arizona


Quote by tight10piece
I buy my swimsuits from Victoria. Any skimpier than this isn't classy to me.

I feel the same way .
Quote by Green_Man

To be perfectly honest I don't know what the ingredients are anymore. I just know is was named for one of our regulars here, BrownCoffee, and the virgin part means it has no alcohol.

But there are lots of other drinks available. Ask and see if you will receive.

I see. I dont drink anymore -- but I wanted to see what the forum was like instead of chat. Still waiting on my approval for my first story -- though its really a poem. I honestly think it would have worked better if it were longer, but I had to post *something*
Quote by Green_Man

Usually the principle subject for conversing is "what do you want to drink?"

Personally, I'll have a virgin Hannah, Rump man.

What on earth is that?