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4 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Dunfermline


I agree with the majority here and I'm sure others will say the same. If you need to convince her then you shouldn't be asking her. If she is willing then there should be no question about 'convincing' her. As Dudealicious said fantasies are sometimes best left as just that! Also just because someone fantasises about something, it does not mean they would actually go through with it for real.
Wife/gf - yes
Stranger - depends on situation but probably
Guy - have done but was only because of the situation, prob would again
Yes! Quite a few times to be honest. It adds to the excitement of it all doesn't it???
not something ihave ever thought about doing or to be honest heard about but if you enjoy it then who are we to judge
Usually at least once a day. More if the mood takes me. Quite often do it while on here reading and chatting.
Well done to Gav and everyone else involved in the Lushstories site! Great job getting things moved over.
running her nails over the back of my neck
Hello Chandra,

Depends what size of tattoo you are planning on getting and who you want to see it.

Hello Chandra,

Depends what size of tattoo you are planning on getting and who you want to see it.